1. Description of Our Community
The average annual income of Filipino family is P32, 000 for the first income decile(NSO,2006). Converting it per day would be P 88.89 for each Filipino family. If it will be budgeted for the consumption of the family per day it would not be enough to sustain the family’s basic needs much more if one member of the family is sick. The family cannot anymore afford to buy medicine. And they should NOT wait for someone else to solve for their problem neither wait for the government to solve for their problem but do their own necessary steps to solve their own problems. This lesson will involve the community (Parents, LGUs, NGOs and Business establishments) to be a part in solving problems in medicine and educating the students and the people in the World Wide Web on the therapeutic importance of herb as alternative for expensive medicine. The students will conduct a survey and orient the represented sample of 7,300 students of Iligan City National High School on the herbs recommended by DOH as non-toxic. They will also develop a website (using the MS-Paint features) that contains the herbarium description, phytochemical contents, appropriate formulation, and uses of the herbs. They will also experience a new age of herbal gardening that suits the their urbanized atmostphere with the guidance of Mr. Bernabe Bon the Agriculturist. The website will then be the school’s entry for the 2008 National and International Web developing contest. With the hope of bringing prestige to their City and hopefully to their Country.
2. Summary of Our Project
For far too long, traditional systems of medicine and modern medicine have gone their separate ways in mutual antipathy. Yet their goals are the same; to improve the health of mankind and the quality of life. Unfortunately, the divergence between the two systems of medicine has almost exactly paralleled the division of the world between the rich and the poor. The age-old arts of herbalists has decline in the past years as the modern medicine arise with new techniques and new apparatus. This means the people under the poverty line cannot enjoy the access of all the complex technology so they are attached to herbalists as an agent of health care.
Lagundi, Yerba Buena, Sambong, Tsaang gubat, Niyug-niyogan, Bawang, Bayabas, Ampalaya, and Ulasimang bato which were tested by the Department of Health. This could also encourage people to have their own herbal garden and in times of emergency, decoction of herbs might be used to determine whether their active ingredients have healing powers that science has overlooked.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
A. Percentage of the students using the internet at home: about 40%
B. Number of workstations with internet access in the classroom: 2
C. Connection speed used in the classroom: 300.0 kbps
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the internet:
?almost three years
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or internet access:
USAID, GEM-Click and our school worked together to provided teachers, school personnel and students an INTERNET access as a part of the big change of the community. Basically, we are having computer lessons, wherein we use computer applications in reporting. In addition during research projects, the internet access has been a big help for information finding and updating news than using the library which is not updated.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
First of all, we have to kill time because we are graduating students and most of our teachers have thrown different projects for our requirements. And we need to find time in making this project. Furthermore, we were informed late due to some class disruptions. In addition, we don’t have enough budget to established our herbal garden, that’s why we need to ask financial help to some local government officials, and that was never easy in our part.
Some of us lose hope, and others have diminished their interest. But whenever we see the faces of our coaches, faces with determination, we were like being contaminated and charge our hope.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
By participating in this year’s cyberfair contest, we smell the aroma of achievement, knowing that this project could be a panacea of all misconceptions in the community in the field of environmental health.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This has been a big break to us as research students of the curriculum Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP)under our research teacher Mrs. Annallee Q. Aron. Through this experience we are able to appreciate how vast are the natural resources of the Philippines like the herbs. All we have to do is study the herbs closely and learn how to take care of the herbs and it will take care of your health in return.
We were able to cooperate with each other and give some information to our teammates even in our little ways.
We assure the viewers that the information in our site are certified true and correct. We had gathered the information with great responsibility. Furthermore, the data we had gathered were according to the members assigned. The leader made sure that the task was done appropriately with precision and accuracy.