1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
For the completion of this project, we have used various tools and technological paraphernalias. They are the cell phones, flash disks, digital cameras and electronic mails that helped us to gather information easily and transmit data through the internet with no problems.
This webpage was successfully completed mostly because of the aid of various programs, soft wares and different applications that we have used. These are as follows: HTML, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Dream weaver, Paint, Office, and Visual Basic. The said programs improved the skeletal framework and appearance of our webpage.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
As Lasallian students, we are entitled to heed the call of others. As followers of the teachings of St. John Baptist de La Salle, we are obliged to reach out to the poor and the needy. We have acted as ambassadors and spokespersons in several ways. As we go on to face the reality, we have showed the less fortunate ones that there’s still love that nestles in many people’s heart and hope that they may still hold on to. That as Christian students, we should let everyone know that while some of us indulge in luxury and satisfaction, there are still many people craving for leftovers that we regard as trash. Because we are chosen to take hold of this project, we should pinpoint the relevance of love and affection to others. Not everybody can get the opportunity of seeing what the real face of the world looks like, but when you get to the chance of seeing a glimpse of it, try to let everyone feel and visualize what you have experienced in the second that you were talking to our indigent natives.
Numerous students and persons are now plunged into the dazzling colors of the internet. In this way, we could use it as a medium to easily promote our goals and see ourselves transcending to new heights. And just by sitting in front of our computer desks and typing in the letters from our keyboard, we could really make a change.
And now, through the motivation of our team to make a difference, and by the utmost support of our guru, we can spread to the whole world what this site is all about.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
In the past years, we have encountered many organizations that yearn to reach out and offer aide to others. They have imposed their agenda and have laid down their plans for a fruitful and successful campaign. Some would even make a catch phrase, usually, “working hand in hand” or “make a difference.” But the next question would probably go like this: “ARE YOU DOING IT?”
By joining this Cyberfair competition, we do believe that it is not all about winning. For us, we have entered this contest to express our innermost thoughts and feelings through the technological advancements we possess nowadays. We struggle to promote the values that would indeed contribute to newly uprising society today; in unison with no discrimination. We put a mark from this day that it is time to act and mobilize ourselves for the betterment of this nation.
And as we unfold the sealed residues of the past, we now seize the moment of seeing the truth and acting accordingly to what is right. Through this project, many people have offered their hands, broadened their minds, opened their eyes, and welcomed our pitiful citizens to the caressing chambers of their hearts.
“Are we doing it? Yes. So long have we started.”
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We could say that our theme for this competition has many dimensions. And within those dimensions lie different principles and perceptions. Also, our site would involve many people, coming from different races and cultures, but has only one main goal: to show love for others. After all, this project is what’s it’s all about; venturing through depths of reality.
As we go and work out the requirements of this project, we have sought the help and guidance of some people. Be it our fellow students, subject teachers, and even the people we meet beyond the borderlines of our institution.
We can clearly state that by their aide, advices, and information, it has contributed well for this project to be done and accomplished. In this way, we have proven that if we work hand in hand, we could really make things easy and outstanding.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
There were many things that hindered us to easily and productively finish this project. The whole team was gathered at a rendezvous last January 19, 2008. Only in that very same day have we fully oriented ourselves about the competition we’re about to join. From that day, our guru had set plans and appointed the different tasks that we’re to submit on a particular date. But it wasn’t that easy.
Everybody knows that January is a very busy, vigorous, and exhilarating month. You can see everyone up to their feet and vivaciously mobilizing with high spirits. One thing more, we only had a wee bit of a spare time to discuss and collect our assignments regarding the webpage. Another thing that we worried about is that most of the members of our team are graduating students. They primary concern is their grades to be able to pass every course and subject. One thing more, many activities were held during this month, including our Foundation week. Because of this, some of the work was done by the remaining 3rd year students. The interviews and interfacing was done by the seniors.
February 22, 2008. By this time, our narrative was still incomplete and the template was not that polished yet. Another thing that disturbed us most is that we haven’t started the Filipino version of the project and the information to be indicated in The Team. Because of this, we found ourselves screeching, chattering, and moving around the computer laboratory like baboons. Summarizing our working days, it will approximately date for less than a week. That was really a big rush!
However, at last, we finished our project thoroughly. Everything was set, polished, and well-delivered.
Lastly, we have learned and acquired many lessons from the whole experience; from the day we gathered and talk, to the day that we submitted our entry. We learned to manage our time, become resourceful, and interact with other people.