1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used basic tools for our CyberFair Project. We researched our Local Leaders by conducting in-person interviews. During the interviews, several students took notes (the old-fashioned way). The wiki page on the Internet was great. We all shared our ideas and every person's response could be 'heard.' We created our presentation in PowerPoint on the computer. Mrs. Archer provided How-To sheets with step-by-step directions for us to follow. It was fun using Word Art and creating colorful backgrounds and fonts. It was very easy to use. The next time that we do a CyberFair Project, it would be helpful to audiotape or videotape the interviews. That way, we can review them.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
First, we brainstormed a list of Local Leaders that we would be interested in interviewing. We narrowed it down to six people: three men and three women. Mrs. Archer, our Media Specialist helped us get the contact information. We composed a letter describing the CyberFair Project and inviting each person to participate. Mrs. Archer emailed our letters. Each leader gave a quick 'YES!' to our invitations. They were very eager and honored to participate in our CyberFair project. We are ambassadors for our school and community. We reached out beyond our school walls and gave Local Leaders an opportunity to share their lives and work. They seemed to really enjoy talking with us and passing down their knowledge. Now, through our CyberFair Project we can let our whole community and the worldwide community know what a wonderful job these people are doing.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Our CyberFair Project teaches people in the community about people who help them every day. We learned who our leaders are and we realized the great contributions that they make. Their efforts are sure to inspire others to get involved and help our community. For example, our Mayor works two jobs and she still makes time to volunteer at the animal shelter 20 hours every week. We hope that our project will help others realize what we realize: These local leaders are dedicated individuals who help others. We should look up to these admirable people and follow their good examples. It was great to meet and talk with our local leaders. It helped us think about what we would like to do when we grow up. It helped us think about how we, as students, can help our community become a better place. Our teachers, the Local Leaders, and our fellow students are all very excited about our CyberFair Project. We even had an article written about it in the local newspaper, The West Milford Messenger. Hopefully, this will encourage other students to explore the CyberFair Project.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Mrs. Archer and the 6th grade students of Upper Greenwood Lake School would like to give BIG THANK YOUs to those who helped make our CyberFair Project a success. We truly appreciate your help.
Thank you to the Local Leaders who took the time to visit our school and shared their experiences with us. Mayor Bettina Bieri Mrs. Bernice Colefield, Superintendent of Schools Police Chief Paul Costello Assemblyman Alex DeCroce Mr. Rocky Hazelman, President of West Milford Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Laura Oakes, Technology Facilitator
Extra special thanks to Mrs. Laura Oakes, our Technology Facilitator who did such an extraordinary job of putting our presentation on the webpage.
Thanks to our 6th grade teachers, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Turner for supporting this project. You are teacher-leaders!
Thank you to Chris Burlum for her excellent, half-page article on our CyberFair Project in The West Milford Messenger.
Thanks to our Principal, Ms. Barnhill for supporting our project ideas and making Upper Greenwood Lake School so welcoming.
Mrs. Archer thanks all the wonderful 6th graders for their enthusiasm and hard work on this project. Thank you for giving me your very best. You were so respectful when our local leaders visited and you represented our school very well. I'm so proud of you all!
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We discovered that we take a lot of people for granted. Our Local Leaders are working so hard for us, but they rarely get our thanks. We would like to dedicate our project to the Local Leaders for making a positive difference in our community. We realize how dedicated and hardworking they truly are. They have strong characters that we can look up to. They think of what's best for the community and they generously give their time and effort. We were inspired by these Local Leaders. We hope that we can follow their lead and make a positive difference in our community. Someday in the future or soon, perhaps we will become local leaders in our own right.