1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
For our project, the most valuable tools were the media (radio and newspaper) interviews we made and the use of SchoolTube, an online video site for schools. The radio interviews we made prior to our fundraisers were a new experience for us and our teacher. We gained some insight as to how important the printed and voiced word can be when it is presented to a large audience.
Using SchoolTube was very cool. We got to explore the online community of videos used by schools all over the United States. Now we share our own work on SchoolTube. It was very interesting new site for us to use in our project development, and our activity with it will continue into the future. We’re glad to have discovered it and also the many other wonderful music websites that are available to musicians.
Other tools used were a digital camera, camcorder, Dreamweaver web design program, video-editing software, Picassa freeware, Flash, Coffee Cup’s Firestarter, and Office Word and Power Point. Cell phones and email were also used to contact people.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We had great success in all our contacts with people of our community. We approached Music Makers directly with the idea of offering music scholarships and they agreed to work with us and let us interview the teachers. We asked the local radio and newspapers to help us broadcast our fundraisers, and they not only helped us, but continued to share our information often as the dates approached. We were so very nervous to ask a real band (that has produced original music!) to sponsor a free concert for a fundraiser, but they readily agreed to do it. We were approached just prior to the concert by a Lutheran organization, Thrivent, who offered to donate matching funds to our project. They had learned about our scholarships through a staff member at our school and were impressed enough to donate $400. It was very exciting for us to receive so much support for our project by everyone. We found that we could ask people for help and we could overcome our shyness. Several of us have discovered a new, wonderful gift we have inside of us: the ability to spread a message and help other people learn the joy of music.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We believe our project will have a tremendous impact on the students who receive the scholarships. We are providing the chance for someone who may have wanted to take music lessons, but couldn’t afford it financially, to realize a dream. Many of the teachers we interviewed at Music Makers told us that their initial introduction to music came through participation in high school band, so we wanted to share that message, especially to teachers who may feel they are not having an impact on the lives of their students.
Our project shares information about other music genres besides rock music. We have placed online information about the different instruments used in a band, and offer videos of their techniques by the people who teach those instruments on a daily basis.
Our research into rock music taught us that the music industry is huge and influences our lives tremendously. How we choose to dress, the purchases we make, the type of friends we hang out with can all be influenced by the music we listen to every day. From weddings to athletic events, to commercials on television and radio, music is part of our daily life.
Because rock and roll music is conceived by many in society as being a dangerous or bad influence, we hope to show that it can be a wonderfully positive influence. From Live Aid concerts to small community “jam sessions,” musicians can share their talents and prove that by and large, rock music is something that families and communities can enjoy together, in enormous concert auditoriums or in a neighbor’s backyard.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Thanks, thanks, thanks! to Parallax View for taking a chance on us by playing a charity concert! You trusted us to advertise the concert and to get people in to hear your message, and we are so thankful. Your music is a gift and we appreciate your talents. Thanks Coach Sherrill for encouraging us every step of the way, for negotiating the concert dates and helping with the setup and ticket resources. Thanks to Sharon Sherrill for helping us with the dinner the night of the concert.
We want to give a shout out to J98 radio station in Farmington and broadcaster Mark Toti for the radio interviews. They were so much fun and it was exciting to be in a real radio station, on-air!
Thanks to Maridee Lawson from the Farmington Press Leader, and Paula Barr from the Daily Journal for coming to all our fundraisers and writing them up for the newspaper. You helped us get the word out and people in to the Guitar Hero Showdown and the Parallax View concert.
Special thanks to Julie Berghaus and Cindy Isabel for the concessions help.Thanks to all the parents that supported us by coming to these two events. You’re never too old to rock and we have pictures to prove it!
Last, but not least, thanks to Lianna Stover, our host server, for giving us space online and for being there immediately when we cry “Help!” We could never, ever have done it without you. You’re #1 on the charts to us.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We jumped into this project with both feet and at full speed because our school’s previous CyberFair projects had been successful and we wanted to continue the tradition. It can be a bit scary to follow in previous classes’ footsteps. We knew in advance how demanding this project would be and we pledged to give it our all. Initially, our teacher didn’t think we could do it because our class has had difficulty working together most of the time. We agreed to put aside our differences and our difficulties in working together for this one common goal. Some of us found our voices and surprising talents we didn’t know we had. We overcame our fears to create a project we are truly proud to share with everyone, and we hope all CyberFair viewers enjoy it, too. Rock on!