1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The quality of any project depends more or less on the tools and technology used. In fact, it would have been impossible for us to create an attractive campaign without them. We used more than ten computers to finalize our project and to present it in a friendly and interactive way. Also, our phones were very useful in communicating with the other team members and our collaborators from abroad.
For our project to have a greater impact on the community, we resorted to the local television channel, which repeatedly broadcasted our material. We also used a tape recorder to be more efficient in taking interviews. A varied range of software programs were used for the project: PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Fireworks, Excel, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer.
Because the quality and the clarity of the information are essential, we took advantage of libraries, books, newspapers, oral interviews, the Internet and other resources. Some of them are tools and modern technology items that belong to the local community and to the school, but most of them are our own. We also want to mention our classmates’ involvement, who have sponsored our project and donated a tape recorder that was useful in taking the interviews.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We have no intention of making this project a theoretical one; we want to act and convince others that we have to plead for health. This is why we consider that the most interesting part, from which we gain the greatest satisfaction, is that concerning national and international diplomacy. We can’t have any results if we don’t get actively involved by establishing close and long lasting relationships with everybody interested in the subject. Just by encouraging people to access our website we are extending our actions at an impressive level.
To be ambassadors of this project was one of our goals from the beginning and proof stand the local presentation and the participation to a national symposium and contest. Furthermore, the interviews taken personally or on-line present us as devoted ambassadors of this action. Another strong point of our campaign is related to the local TV station, which has broadcasted the project many times in order to make is accessible to our community. The fliers we gave away have also proved to be very useful in this matter.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We want to show people that nobody can live for them, that the choices of today reflect upon the future. This is why this project is referred to as an alarm to wake us up from our ignorance. We have presented risk factors of an inadequate lifestyle, insisting on pathological elements and standing up for a healthy lifestyle. We haven’t stopped at doing a formal survey, we tried to transform the ones around us into collaborators which have to realize these imperatives and help others do it too. The availability we found abroad made us aim higher. They have identified themselves with our situation, confronting the effects of an unhealthy life, wanting to plead for health. We will surely maintain the partnership, not only with them, but also with the experts we have contacted, all of them being excited to help us in the future. This project is also a valuable didactical material for any teacher.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Our project was one of that tried to make a difference. We have always addressed the local community and received support on its behalf. In fact, if we could have, we would have included the entire class as team members, because, not only have they helped us with information, but they also got involved in the application of the questionnaire, explaining the importance of being sincere to both teachers and students, and offered advice on the design and structure. We would have never got so far if it weren’t for our coordinating teacher, who offered us moral support and tips on how to improve the project. At the same time, we stirred up the interest of some people from abroad who wanted to help by giving us valuable data for our action.
The local impact depended on the News Media, who seemed interested in our project, and our campaign, in general. Thus, we engaged the local newspaper and the local TV station (which filmed our manifestation) in our project. Our school magazine, together with the pictures from our school presentation and the fliers we gave away, proved to be another accessible and efficient way of informing.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We noticed that people are open when it comes to things about their own health; they want to live a healthy life and are not reluctant to new ideas or afraid to change their lifestyle. The problems concerning this aspect are somewhat alike, no matter the country, though at a different scale (the fact that Americans have greater alimentation problems, while we are confronted with plenty of vices, like smoking or drinking). We were surprised to find out that people of the same age as us don’t have or don’t want to find some time to spend with their families, in the detriment of their friends.
In the end, what is obvious is that if we want us and the people around us to have a healthier and thus, brighter, we must “Teach and Unite”!