1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The information tools and technologies we used to complete our Cyberfair project are Internet access, TV stations, libraries, books and interviews. These tools helped us by giving us the correct and reliable information, plus it gives us an easy and fast way of receiving information. We located these tools in our school library, computer laboratory, and in our homes. The most valuable tools, for us, are computers with Internet access, because these provides us a faster and easier way to locate the information we need.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We students, became 'little ambassadors', in the way that we want to share what we want and know, because we know very well that doing this could be a little way to unite our country for the future of every one of us.
As students, we felt a little bit of nervous, because, first of all, talking a 'big person' could be crucial, but we learned that they are just like us, for we are just citizens of this country.
With the help of our classmates, teachers and friends, it is okay, even if we don't receive any impressions or donation, because for us, receiving help is already a good thing.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
As normal students, we are projecting a good impact, because we know that this could make a difference. Some people already learned new things from our web pages, and we are able to give them the right information, which is a good help for our classmates, and for other people. As of now, we are receiving good feedback, but actually we want to receive good feedback about the content of our web site and not for our design or graphics. We look forward for a good future for our web site.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Our helpers are our teacher, Ms. Sara Ortiz, our moderator, Sir Albina, our classmates from II-St. John of the Cross, our friends, parents and of course, the Almighty father. They are helping us, by providing us advices like, 'You can do it, by just clicking...' and supports like, 'I'll post your link worldwide...'. They are also providing us some resources we need, and because of that we are able to finish our project.