1. Description of Our Community
Lodz, the city in the centre of Poland, where we study in the High School number 13. Most of us live here too, others live in surounding towns. This place is called as the city of many cultures because we can see here many buildings which are testaments of people of other countries who had changed the history of the city. In our opinion, the XIX century is very important age in the history of our city. It's the time of the big evolution of the economy in Lodz. During this age, in Lodz many investors were setting up business. One of them, Karol Scheibler had built a complex which is called Ksiezy Mlyn.
2. Summary of Our Project
During XIX century, Karol Scheibler had built a complex which is called Ksiezy Mlyn. The history of this complex, small city in the city, has inspired us to write this project.We wanted to show you one of the most interesting places in Lodz. The Ksiezy Mlyn is a testament of XIX century, the age of factories. Maybe this project would invite you to visit Lodz.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Work was hard, we had to choose the most important information from rich history of this place. Small groups were responsible of each part of work. Some of them wrote texts, after that, the work went to translators. When texts in three languages were ready, our boys, who are interested in the information technology, made our website. During all this time, the team made more than 300 photos. It was really hard to choose the best of them. During all preparations of this project, we had some arguments, because we wanted to do the best project. Fortunately, our teachers helped us a lot.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The work on this project gave us new knowledge about Lodz and new friendships made during the creation of this piece. It taught us effective team work and how to deal with tensions in a group.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This project taught us that we can do many things by yourself. The history which we learn at school doesn't concern the history of our communities, or cities we live in. It's really important to know something about our community. We wanted to show other people, inhabitants of Lodz too, how beautiful is our city. During making this project, we learned how to work as a group, how to organise our time. It's very important in our future life. We hope that it will help us. After this project, we keep good relationships in our group. We know that we can trust our teachers, that they can help us a lot.