1. Description of Our Community
The Yilan where we live is located in the Lanyang Flatlands. Ever since Han people settled here, folk arts from all over converged on this place, causing Yilan to become a strategic point for the transmission of folk arts. According to tradition, during the Daoguang reign period of the Qing dynasty, a master of theater who specialized in teaching, Jian Wendeng, moved to Yilan from Zhanghua and started a school to transmit Beiguan theater; from this point Beiguan spread among the people of Yilan. Beiguan theater thrived from the 18th century until after World War Two. Because Beiguan repertory was quite diverse, including singing without costumes or acting just for casual entertainment, performances to repay the spirits or welcome the gods back to their temples, and providing mourning music at funerals. Therefore, people from all levels of society, regardless whether rich or poor, will all organize community troupes to practice and perform during their leisure time. In the past we conducted research on Mr. Chen Wangchong's 'Native Gezai' and Mr. Ling Rongchun's 'Puppet Pony Formation.' This time we have adopted as the target of our research the 'Beiguan Theater' of Master Zhuang Jincai. In addition to feeling warm all, we also deeply realized the impending loss of this tradition and the difficulty in preserving it. Therefore, in addition to hoping to record this soon to be lost tradition on the internet, we also hope that all will respect and support the maintenance of this traditional art form.
2. Summary of Our Project
Master Zhuang Jincai has mastered the musical instruments of Beiguan theater, and is currently the Director of the Hanyang Beighuan Theatrical Troupe, Director of the Fulan Association of Luodong, and an Adjunct Professor at the Taibei Fine Arts University. He has received such awards as the 16th Passing the Torch Award for Folk Art from the Department of Education and the 8th Global Chinese Culture and and Fine Arts Passing the Torch Award. Master Zhuang followed a theatrical troupe since childhood; added to this was his extraordinary effort to master the art. Therefore, his performances are outstanding, whether in the musical ensemble or in the drum section. Having mastered Beiguan theater, his disciples who inherited the tradition are numberless. Nevertheless, the changing times have caused traditional Beiguan theater to lose much of its original ground. Master Zhuang was moved by the decline of performers; the survival of Beiguan theater and development have reached a serious crisis. In order to allow Beiguan to be handed down among the people, in addition to accepting invitations to perform the classical repertory of Beiguan theater during art festivals or holidays, and in order to preserve and develop this moving Beiguan theater, he is even more active in cooperating with government institutions to handle the work of passing down the art, grafting on new growth to this theatrical tradition and nurturing talent to receive the torch of transmission. In all reality this will preserve for society a precious cultural heritage, and tap more diverse sources for a new resurgence of Beiguan with more academic and cultural value.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
The school proved for student use a T1 internet from China Telecommunications ADSL internet, with a 1.5M broadcast width with a continuous online environment. At present the computer lab has 80 computers, each of which can connect online at anytime. Other facilities include two scanners and one printer for printing off the internet. In addition, each classroom has a computer for use online, and each grade level has a black and white or color printer for the use of participants in the contest. As for accessing and storing information, the school computer lab has a Linux machine which has space to store student's personal information and the webpage. Seven students on the team have individual computers which are all connected to the internet. Therefore, in addition to working online at school, these students can also continue working at home searching for data.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Q1:Students and interviewees have conflicts in scheduling interviews. Solution: We produced the interview plan as early as possible, and verified that interview times were allowed on the insurance agreement. Q2:Inability to speak Taiwanese Solution: Luckily most of the subjects of interviews could understand Mandarin, therefore we used a mix of Mandarin, Taiwanese and hand gestures to finally complete the interviews. Q3:Different understanding of the research project by teachers and students. Solution: Discussed the matter with students and explained that pre-interview editing of materials and post-interview editing and explanation were the most important parts of the research process. Q4:Insufficient funds for activities. Solution: This year the head of school administrative affairs and the PTA allocated some special affairs to support daily expenses over the course of the research. This avoided troubles with finances. Q5:Integration with the curriculum needs strengthening. Solution: Discussed methods with the school administrator and the principal, explaining the content of our research, and took the initiative to provide teachers and students information about Master Zhuang Jincai and the Hanyang Beiguan Theatrical Troupe. Q6:Unfinished business. Solution: Although our workload kept increasing after uploading the webpage, we teachers and students felt proud of our individual 'accomplishments.'
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We must express our gratitude to the many individuals who have helped us over the course of our research. We are grateful to you who have taken time from your own lives to be interviewed by us and who have provided relevant materials for us so that we could successfully finish our research and complete the construction of our webpage. We also must thank Master Zhuang Jincai, Ms. Lin Shengmei, Miss Cai Yijun, Miss Wu Qianhui, Miss Wu Yating, teachers Lin Renjie and Zhou Yiqian, Miss Peng Yuyan, Miss Li Cuilan, Miss Lin Lifang, Ms. Xiaotian, Miss Lin Lifen, Ms. Li Meiniang, Mr. Lin Guoqing, and Mr. Jian Chunsheng, as well all of the members of the Beiguan Theatrical Troupe for being willing to be interviewed. We also acknowledge the assistance of Professor Lin Maoxian for providing materials on Beiguan, Miss Huang Lijuan of the Cultural Center, the old men and old women whom we interviewed, our teacher Fu Jianguo who provided storage space for our webpage, our teacher Lin Qinghui who drove us on our interviews, our teacher Lin Minxuan who edited the news film for us, our teacher Wang Shujing who sent us lunch boxes, school administrator Jian Weiguo who assisted in applying for funding, Principal Liu Xixin who lent us his complete support, and the Liming Primary School PTA, etc. It was only because all of your help that we were able to successfully complete our webpage and participate in this competition. Thank you!
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
In order to more clearly introduce Master Zhuang Jincai and Beiguan theater, we have divided the entire research project into the following three general orientations: First is an investigation into the literature on Beiguan theater and the Hanyang Beiguan Theatrical Troupe. Second are the interviews with and about Master Zhuang Jincai and his transmission of the art. Third is participation together with popularization. The details of our research project are as follows: 1 Recruitment of participants in the contest. 2 Discussion of the research subject and team members. 3 Submission of contest materials. 4 Division of responsibilities and the collection of written materials. 5 Liaison with Master Zhuang Jincai and sending out the first notifications of interviews. 6 Tour the theater. 7 Discuss impressions of the theater and practice interviewing techniques. 8 Apply for time off and insurance. 9 Compile work project. 10 Discuss the teachers' and students' draft interviews. 11 Visit the Fulan Assoication and view an outdoor performance. 12 Discus the draft of the interview with Master Zhuang Jincai. 15 Collect and edit written materials and the verbatim transcripts of interviews. 16 Submit news bulletin to the Lianhe Cable T.V. campus news. 20 Plan the framework of webpage. 21 Compose the content of webpage. 22 Create webpage. 23 Upload webpage. 24 Test webpage and make revisions.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We utilized the following information technology to collect our information and to reprocess it: Telephone/To contact interviewees and facilitate communication between members Recorder/To record interviews DV/To record interviews and tours Digital camera/To take pictures and copies of materials Scanner/To scan pictures in books and old photographs Disks/To back up data Television/To view the results of video-recordings Portable laptop/To construct a webpage, store information, get online to search for information Internet/To search for information Computer software/ Adobe Photoshop Ao Ulead Photo Impact 8 nEO iMAGING Microsoft Frontpage Internet Explorer Microsoft Word 2000(XP) Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Macromedia Flash MX CuteFTP4.0 Windows Movie Maker Microsoft PowerPoint Medi@show Feichang haose (Extraordinarly Good Color) Nero Start Smart
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
The main research this time is in the form of conducting interviews. Therefore, in addition to utilizing the telephone to set appointments, we used e-mails to contact the interviewees. In the course of conducting the interviews, we were good at getting to know some of them, we thus shared our research project with them. With regard to our school, we utilized our flexible time to integrate a class devoted to both Mandarin and society to provide a multi topic trial study theme. We arranged small groups of members to give reports on Beiguan theater to assist our classmates in understanding the beauties of traditional Beiguan art. As for disseminating our results to the outside, we cooperated with the Lianhe Cable T.V. Campus News to combine our sections of interviews into a news report, have junior reporters from campus dub the voices, and broadcast it on the campus news program. In addition, we uploaded the video file on youtube to provide continuous downloading for one and all. At present we have already gained the support of our school, and are preparing to have the webpage translated into English. Furthermore, we will participate in the International Internet World Exposition competition. We hope we can allow many more persons understand and enjoy the beauties of traditional Beiguan artistry through our project.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Because of introducing our webpage, many more persons have come to know Master Zhuang Jincai who is working hard at operating the Hanyang Beiguan Theatrical Troupe and the traditional art of Beiguan theater which is in danger of disappearing; he has been the motivating force driving us to persist in our research. Now when we see the results of our research that have gained the notice of the public we as so happy that we almost jump for joy! To be able to let even more persons understand through our special research something previously neglected and in danger of disappearing is our greatest expectation. In the future, we hope even more persons will take note of our research and be infected by our enthusiasm, and continue to participate in uncovering and recording each small aspect related to Taiwan.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We must express our gratitude to the many individuals who have helped us over the course of our research. We are grateful to you who have taken time from your own lives to be interviewed by us and who have provided relevant materials for us so that we could successfully finish our research and complete the construction of our webpage. We also must thank Master Zhuang Jincai, Ms. Lin Shengmei, Miss Cai Yijun, Miss Wu Qianhui, Miss Wu Yating, teachers Lin Renjie and Zhou Yiqian, Miss Peng Yuyan, Miss Li Cuilan, Miss Lin Lifang, Ms. Xiaotian, Miss Lin Lifen, Ms. Li Meiniang, Mr. Lin Guoqing, and Mr. Jian Chunsheng, as well all of the members of the Beiguan Theatrical Troupe for being willing to be interviewed. We also acknowledge the assistance of Professor Lin Maoxian for providing materials on Beiguan, Miss Huang Lijuan of the Cultural Center, the old men and old women whom we interviewed, our teacher Fu Jianguo who provided storage space for our webpage, our teacher Lin Qinghui who drove us on our interviews, our teacher Lin Minxuan who edited the news film for us, our teacher Wang Shujing who sent us lunch boxes, school administrator Jian Weiguo who assisted in applying for funding, Principal Liu Xixin who lent us his complete support, and the Liming Primary School PTA, etc. It was only because all of your help that we were able to successfully complete our webpage and participate in this competition. Thank you!
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
This was our first time to view Beiguan theater. Although we did not understand some spoken parts, the plot of the Beiguan opera was performed in a very moving manner. Therefore we watched the entire performance from beginning to end. On that day we had appointments with more than twenty members of the audience; they were all either old men or old women. 'When feasting, eat 'three layered pork'; when watching theater, watch Luantan.' Beiguan is none other than Luantan; it is also called Great Theater. From the famous saying quoted above we can tell the position of Beiguan theater. Our group of primary students probably finds it hard to comprehend Beiguan theater with its exquisite singing and vivid roles. Therefore after watching a while we lost patience. Within this tradition that is in danger of disappearing, it is not easy just depending on the efforts of Master Zhuang Jincai and the theatrical troupe to have the opportunity to transmit it. And the continual loss of audience should be of great concern!
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 6327)