1. Description of Our Community
There was once an ocean here; that is, “ Taijiang Inner Sea.” Now, Taijiang Inner Sea has been filled by the salt and forms this piece of land “Tainan ” under the power of nature. In Tainan Chiang Chuen District, there is a region called “Ou Wang.” Because it was originally Taijiang Inner Sea, the salinity in the earth is very heavy and crops can’t grow easily. However, people here don’t yield . They founded “Ou Wang Heritage Cultural Foundation” with their enthusiasm for the land.
2. Summary of Our Project
Shiang Yu Museum, like a big, beautiful and white piano, is located on a wide, green field. It is full of elegant atmosphere. People can’t stop looking at it and wonder if someone is waving his hands backward and forward on the piano keys. The melody escapes from the aperture and walks around the wide platform outside of the piano. The musical notes of art jump out of the free world, and the concertos isn’t only the movements but the development of art. However, who is playing the piano?
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Our main studio is in the computer classroom in our school. It supplies 100Mbps optical fiber cable and server, and our computers supply Dreamweaver CS4 and Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Flash CS4 professional, so we can produce our website easier and faster, while, at home, we and teachers use 2M/256K Chunghwa telecom ADSL service to search for some material and do secretarial edit. On the other hand, all the members will assemble and work together once a week so that we can solve the problem and improve in time by teamwork. Two hands are better than one .Concluding everyone’s idea really makes the website more integrated and more splendid.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1.the skillful obstacles Owning to our lack of experience of designing the website, we aren’t familiar with many skills. In the part of art designing and software using, we face many difficulties and challenges. Thanks to the teachers and fellow students’ help and guidance, we can fully utilize each of our talents, overcome the deficiencies in our computer skills, and finally finish every parts of the website in maximum efficiency. 2.the progress grasps We first worked on our own part that we had been assigned , and then integrated each member's work into the project., but the schedule was always delayed because of the challenges we met. Sometimes it caused the work not to go on. Thanks to other members’ timely help, we could make up with the lost time. 3.research time We worked together once a week after school in the computer classroom. Sometime someone would be absent because of examinations, sports meeting, club activities and so on. In order to finish our work, we should spend our leisure time completing our research at home. Otherwise, we would not be able to finish our work as a team. Thanks to the public equipment that our school offers, we could conclude each member’s opinion and materials easily. 4.draw up interviews In order to collect more information and materials, and thoroughly understand the related culture and research, we decided to report Mr. Lin Jin-Hwei and visit Shiang Yu Museum. Due to our first time to drawing up interviews, we didn’t know how to ask questions exactly. Sometimes we were out of clue and so nervous that we couldn’t focus on the point. Though the teacher and Mr. Lin Jin-Hwei ’abundance experience, we finally finish the interview . We all thank Mr. Lin Jin-Hwei’s kindness and patience.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We found the Shiang Yu Museum, which aims to remain the salty zone culture, and we realized how hard the founder, Lin Jin-Hwei , devoted himself to Taiwan traditional culture. His hard-working and dedications touch us; thus, we decided to follow his footprint to research and realize Taiwan lecture. Although we are all laymen and can just take a brief look at in the Museum, we finally know that there are many great composers, who dedicated themselves to Taiwan lecture. As the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world so as the hand that holds the pen is the hand that improves the human’s civilization, which tells us while reaching into future , we should also remember the past; furthermore, we determined to use the power of Internet to let more people in the world know our lovingly hometown, Taiwan, and its attractive culture.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
As the technology improving day by day, many companies, institutions and school s use Internet to transmit information. To improve student’s competition in the rest of our life, we learn Dreamweaver CS4 to set up our own website, which recording our high school life and learning process to prepare for the recommendation and application. The program is an opportunity for use to learn website design, and connects with future career. In addition, we became more familiar with our hometown’s tradition culture from this program. And we learn to realize the composer’s implied meaning of their creation more deeply from the composer and curator’s illustration. This experience lets us become more sensible of lecture composition.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1.Desktop Computer-To manage information and create a website. 2.Notebook Computer-Record oral Interviews. 3.Scanner-To scan pictures and photographs. 4.Printer-To print document. 5.Digital Camera-To photograph the research process and interviews. 6.Flash CS4-To create animation. 7.PhotoImpact 11-To image drafting. 8.MicroSoft Office Word 2007-To manage documents and files. 9.Dreamweaver CS4-To create a website. 10.PhotoImpact 11-To image editing. 11.MS-IE8.0-To search for Internet data and inspect results. 12.Voice Recorder-To record interviews with consultants; act as personal data recording devices. 13.USB-To carry information more convenience. 14.Telephone-To contact with teachers, teammates, consultants, and related departments. 15.Books and Magazines-To Search for and double-check information. 16.Oral Interviews-Oral statements from related professionals.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We chose a Saturday to go to the Shiang Yu Museum because we wanted to interview Mr. Lin Jin Hwei in person and visit the museum.When we arrived in the Shiang Yu Museum, we saw the curator sweeping the garden. So we called him all in a sudden, and he smiled at us, which made us fell comfortable. Maybe it is the attitude made him become an elegant quiet dreamer. First, he guided us looking round the whole the museum park. He introduced all part of the museum. That made us more familiar with the Shiang Yu Museum. Second, he accepted our interview, and he solved every our bewilderment about the salty zone. With this interview, we can complete this project successfully.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
There is a lot of the local treasure belonging to the salty zone in the Shiang Yu Museum. All of these are the priceless experience of the Ou-Wang ancestor. In order to conserve the culture and let the tradition pass down forever, Mr. Lin Jin Hwei do his best to prevent the cherishable cultural values from being destroyed. And he founded the Shiang Yu Museum to give the modern people a place to realize the local heritage. Thanks to the Mr. Lin Jin Hwei's efforts, everyone living in this community even the entire world can be acquainted with the endangered traditional culture in Ou-Wang and pass down the history to next generation. Now, we can not only study the old literature but also learn a lot about life. If we have any problem with something, we can go to the Shiang Yu Museum. Although we may not research the exact solution in the museum, we can found out some inspiration from their experience.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
The Lin families are the helpers who assist us the most. Mrs. Lin who is also our teacher gathered us to join the journey of discovering the local culture (this project). Without her help, we would not be able to complete this project. She solves us a lot of problem with how to use the software. Because of her introduction, we can recognize Mr. Lin Jin Hwei, and got an opportunity to interview him in person. He gave us a lot of information about salty zone. And that is also a factor of the accomplishment of the website. Without his help, we cannot learn about the salty zone more. Fortunately, their son and daughter also help us to find out the errors in our website. If we did not get the help from them, we may not have the possibility to fulfill the project. This is a great chance to give them a great thank, so we are all thankful about them sincerely. Hope that there will be more and more people get into the museum to do extracurricular activities to learn more about their hometown. Because all the efforts they did for us shall not be in vain, we have to take great use of the holy place.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
There is a time limit to the technology we learn from daily school time. After joining this team, we finally realize how hard it is to set up an ordinary website that we surf every day. From zero to a complete website, we have learned layout designing, website connection, art designing, typesetting, Flash animation. We are pleasant to get these useful technologies and they will become our ability forever. And it was also our first time to attend such a long-term, complex-contented and various contests, so we learned a lot from it. This was a very different experience, for everyone pulled together, racked brains to gauged and advanced toward the goal. The earnest and most active attitude often encouraged each other so that we can support one another and finish. When finishing, we cannot explain the mood by words. The obstacles we surmounted were gifts. This research project not only changed our skills, broadened our horizon, but most importantly it also changed the attitude we faced problem with, and more ways to deal with people. It made us closer to the world but not confined to the campus life. The sense of achievement of finishing this mission shaped us more active, positive to future challenges. This overcome also has great relevance to the subject of our research. While collating and reading literature in the museum, we have been touched gradually by the writers working hard for literary and ponder further what our aims are in such happy time. We don’t need to fight against the threats and oppression others gave for our thoughts and traditional culture, and don’t live in poverty-stricken conditions; thus, what can we dedicate to this community? Because of this research, we began to image and plan our future life.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 6920)