1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Interviews(Computer hardware :camera, microphone, earphones, Voice Recorder pen;Computer software : Word, Excel, PhotoImpact, Skype), The Choir’s Record (Computer hardware :camera, microphone, earphones, Voice Recorder pen), Dream Catching Plan (Computer hardware :camera, DV; Computer software : Word, PhotoImpact), '2011 Dream' Film (Computer hardware :camera, DV; Computer software : Word, PhotoImpact), Choir Competitio (Computer hardware :camera, DV, megaphone; Computer software : Word, PhotoImpact, Internet), Nursing Homes (Computer hardware :camera, DV; Computer software : Word, KMPlayer), Sister school musical exchange (Computer hardware :camera, DV; Computer software : Word, KMPlayer), Sing Christmas carols (Computer hardware :camera, DV; Computer software : Word, KMPlayer), Building the Website (Computer hardware: scanner computer Software: Microsoft Office FrontPage ,PhotoScape, Photo Impact, Photo Shop), Data Collection(IE ,Microsoft Office word), Data Backup(Computer hardware: Flash drive,DVD R/W)
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Interacting with the Choir: The time that we spent with the Yu-Tsai choir, from interviews and rehearsals to morning exercise and competitions, has allowed us the chance to build courage in communicating with others. It has also taught us that becoming a choir member is not as easy as it may seem! Interacting with the Founders of the Choir: During our talks with Chairman Kuo, Vice-Principal Hsu and Principal Tang, we learned about the beginnings and the history of the choir. We were also able to feel their enthusiasm and encouragement for the choir. We are sure that under such great guidance, the choir will continue to perform admirably. Interacting with our Sister School: Yu-Tsai Elementary School was honored to be invited to Nanshan Junior High School to attend an activity that also gave us a chance to interact with students from another school. Interacting with People in the Community: When we walked around the community, carrying the Yu-Tsai banner, dressed in festive clothing, singing carols and handing out candy, it was a great feeling to share this moment with members of the local community. We were a little embarrassed at first, but it turned out to be an unforgettable memory. Interacting with People in the Local Area: The Cyberfair team, along with the Yu-Tsai choir paid a visit to the Shuanglian Hospice to perform. Performances included choral songs, song and dance, Lilian’s touching words to her grandmother, violin and handing out of birthday cards. It was happy and heart-warming to see the happy smiles on the faces of the old people at the hospice.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
During the carol service in the local community, we were able to let all the local residents have a real feeling of Christmas. At the Shuanglian Hospice, we were able to wish all residents a happy birthday through our performances. At the Looking to 2012 Folk Festival, we made some really happy memories with the choir. These occasions not only enhanced the image of Yu-Tsai and the choir within the community, but also gave the choir a chance to spread joy with the sound of their angelic voices!
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Personal Visits We personally took the invite cards to the choir and used our lunch breaks to interview them. We also personally interviewed Principal Tang, Chairman Kuo, Vice-Principal Hsu and other teachers. Telephone Liaisons In order to prepare for the visit to the Shuanglian Hospice and the caroling service, we had to liaise by telephone with the hospice and the local authorities. E-mails Chairman Kuo and Vice-Principal Hsu are often not at school so we regularly communicated with them via e-mails to get all the information that we needed for the project.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
Discoveries 1. Many hands make light work:One person could never complete a Cyberfair project alone. Just like with the choir, every single member is equally important, and must work together in order to create beautiful harmony. 2. Website Design:Producing the website required using all the software we have studied before, but also collating data and was a huge effort. 3. Surprises in the Data:We collated a lot of resources from since the school first open until today. We discovered that the Yu-Tsai choir is really amazing, no matter at home or abroad, they always perform fantastically. We also discovered a lot of incredible memories in the old photographs. 4. Singing is not easy:We thought that singing was a very simple thing, but after spending time observing the choir we discovered that it is really not that easy at all. Apart from preparing ones own voice, keep a steady breathing pattern, you also have to be able to keep in time and in harmony with the rest of the group.
Lessons: 1. Preparation: Before the interviews, we must the questionnaire and tape recorder ready otherwise it will be chaos! 2. Don’t procrastinate: After every activity or interview, we must get everything recorded. If we leave for too long, our workload will pile up and we’ll start to forget some of the things that happened. 3.Practice again and again: After repeated practice, everyone got over their nervous and everything went well. Surprises: This is the first time that we have saw this special activity, and it is also the first time to close to the strangers and passers. So it was incredibly unique! All the things in the cyber fair will be my best memories. In these time, I learned how to make web pages and the importance of cooperation.