1. Description of Our Community
I consider my 'local community' to be the entire nation, made up of all races and all citizens. These people come together and create various organizations and groups to cater to people with common needs and interests shared experiences in the community group itself to aid in the bonding of citizens.
2. Summary of Our Project
This year, the theme for Cyberfair 2012 is “Dream and Unite!”. In our website, which is based on the category of Community Groups and Speciality Groups, we will guide you through the journey of how the dreams, actions and contributions of the locals in the past have improved, preserved and united Singapore.
Community groups play a vital role in our societies. They bring together clusters of people from all walks of life who share a common dream: To create a better, brighter and more promising future for Singaporeans. This is evident in present Singapore, where these community groups bring people together, transforming them from unassuming strangers to friends who are now linked by a common bond as members of the same community group. This is done by helping people of common interests, needs and backgrounds to come together, and interact with one another. More importantly, they are now united as citizens of the same country.
In this website, we show you how community groups such as the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA), Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and Mendaki managed to help piece together Singaporeans’ dreams and direct them onto the same path towards a common goal.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
As all of us came of different classes, we have clashing schedules and hence was unable to meet up apart from the limited time we had during co-curricular activity (CCA) sessions in order to discuss and build up the work. Many of the participating students had also never taken part in previous Cyberfairs before. Also, since we were a big group, many of us had differing views on what the cyberfair project was to be about. Thus, it was always hard to reach a unified decision.
However, we overcame these problems by effectively dividing the team into five different sections, each being in charge of one particular community group. This helps to speed up discussions because working in these small groups allow each group to meet up together outside CCA time, and during CCA many of them had already reached a unified decision on certain areas of the project. Eventually, due to the combined efforts of the students, we were able to finish everything on time.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We were able to learn and recognise how much of an impact various community groups have in the unifying and the maintaining of peace and stability within Singapore.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Many of us practised effective communication with one another through the use of e-mail and text messaging. Despite clashing schedules and being unable to meet up often to discuss and work on the project together, whenever we could, information was relayed quickly and efficiently.
The school also teaches us that there is “a leader in every student”. Through this, we have had students who took the initiative to come up with more ideas and did more than expected to contribute to the website, such as the addition of an animated introduction to our website aside from a textual one.