1. Description of Our Community
Ayu Ma Lau is founded on Jinshan historical street, Jinshan Township is located at the east-north corner of Taiwan, with the hills behind and facing the sea next to the Pacific Ocean and Taiwan Strait, used to be named “Jinbaoli” in aboriginal language. It was cultivated by Pingpu tribe, some Hokken Zhangjou and Quienjou resident immigrated during the late Qing Dynasty. Because of surrounded by hills of 3 directions, in the colonization time, Japanese renamed Jinbaoli as Jinshan.(Jin means Gold & Shan means hills) When the colonization ended, the name of Jinshan kept as a township.
Ayu Ma Lau located at Jinshan historical street near Kuanan temple, the right side of Jinshan duck. The historical street is the most aged street in Jinshan, the buildings are nearly remodeled along the street, only few are remained the historical appearance. Tsuhu temple is the place for worshiping Mazu (Saint Mother), the religious center. Since full of miracle legend, it is always crowded with believers. There is another temple at the end of street named Kuanan temple, in front of the temple, is a market full of local cuisine, the most popular one is the duck booth, approximately 10 neighbor buildings are rented to contain the rushing customers especially in holiday. Ayu Ma Lau is also an important spot on the crowded street, so that Ayu opened a branch store on the other street to share the customers.
2. Summary of Our Project
For promotion of local food industry, we select Ayu Ma Lau to be the subject of our study, including the introduction for history of Ma Lau and the evolution of Ayu Ma Lau, the production process, flavors and the comments from customers. We intend to present the Ma Lau culture and let people know how does Ayu change the traditional Ma Lau, the offering of ritual into a stylish dessert and souvenir through the Cyber Fair.
Ma Lau (Taiwanese rice crispy) is originally made as offering for worshipping the Lord of Heaven, it was a bar shape in the beginning but Grandma Ayu transformed it into ball shape which is suitable for one bite and developed several tasty flavors besides peanut and sesame. Grandma Ayu considered the Ma Lau is not only for ritual but also a daily snack, she innovated Ma Lau to be a stylish dessert, as a local souvenir, Ayu Ma Lau becomes a fashion, one of the most popular option for tourists (Jinshan duck and Ayu Ma Lau)
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We overcome some problems as following during the study. (1)Information Shortage There is not much open information, we had to obtain the information from different channels, for example the internet, interview, literatures and questionnaire. (2)Inner argument Since it is a teamwork research, we overcome the disagreement and learned how to co-work with each other. (3)Out of experience for web page design The whole team is fresh in webpage design field, we overcome the problem under the conduction of experienced teachers fortunately. (4)Rejected questionnaire In order to realize the response of customers to Ayu Ma Lau, we proposed a questionnaire and made a field study, the deep frustration occurred since the rejection. However, the teachers told us that we were possibly to face such an embarrassment, we finally learned how to overcome it by the support and encouragement from teachers. (5)A loose time schedule There are 8 members in the team, it was uneasy to organize all members, some person lives far away from school, some activities disturbed and for the daily school courses, we could not help but to accomplish the project after school time at home or holidays in the long run. (6)Hard beginning and imperfection Even studied the teachers’ instruction, initially we still did not know how to start the project, teachers told us to emulate others’ website for reference and amended the imperfection through constantly discussion.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
To attend the International CyberFair means some points – the students learned how to accomplish a website, to observe the quality of other attendants, “Are they strong? Or weak?” makes the students found themselves and improve themselves, by the way to realize the culture of foods and to carry the Ayu Ma Lau to the world.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The members in this project are those who majoring in Information Management, the subject includes language, IT and business class, through the contest, the students practice an actual website for examining what they have learned. From this project they have learned how to build the website, collect the information and marketing coordinately, the most important conclusion is the determination of FASDT who has created a numerous of miracles.
Less practice is the weak point of current education system, the students of Information management need to accept more practical train for being the pioneer of the academy. Compared to traditional way, internet has to be appreciated for its convenience to collect information, and efficient sharing.