1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used so many computers, in so many places (in our school, our friend’s houses etc.) Also we used cameras, telephones, a school bus for transportation, and libraries for knowledge. We went to ÇEKÜL foundation (The foundation for the protection and promotion of the environment and cultural heritage.) for the interview about Architect Sinan. We discussed with ÇEKÜL’s president ( Prof. Dr. Metin SÖZEN ) and the members. We took interesting stories from newspapers. Many kinds of programs were used by our designers and programmers. We learned many things about our history and architecture while preparing this project.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
When we visited to ÇEKÜL's president as called as Prof. Dr. Metin SÖZEN, who is the most important person searching Architect Sinan and his buildings, he said that ' I'm so happy, because these students are searching information about Architect Sinan. The most of people don't know anything about Architect Sinan, who is the one of important person of Ottoman history. I hope you'll come to Sinan's birth celebration in Agirnas on April 9th. '
Metin SÖZEN always travelling many cities for historical research. We're so lucky to do oral interview with him.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Architect Sinan is the most effective architect in Ottoman history. Therefore we choose this genius individual and we aimed some considerations about this era. We show his works in our website and try to tell the world what his skills. So we thought this project is useful in this shape. Last of all we want to show you to our biggest architect and his great works.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
There were many volunteers to help in our project. Our teacher helped us who knows information about Sinan’s life and construction. In Turkey, some foundations makes research about Architect Sinan and his constructions. For example ÇEKÜL foundation makes repair works Sinan’s constructions. They know everything about Sinan that what can they know. We had visited there to benefit from their information. They helped us to find scientific data about Sinan. They invited us Sinan’s birthday celebration in Kayseri. We will attend this celebration. The President of Turkey Abdullah Gul will attend too. There will be a presentation about Sinan’s life and construction.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We think that the past shows the way us about future . We have learned a lot of information while we were preparing this project. We have seen Sinan’s construction. We met him and his construction. He has a different architecture. He takes cognizance of building foundation. We listened legendary story about his architecture. We learned that architecture is a science requiring mathematics. Sinan has 365 constructions and it made us surprised.