1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We each have our own MacBook laptops so we are lucky about that. We also have cameras that can video that we borrowed from the library. We were lucky enough to be allowed to go out into our community and do interviews with a real Haenyo and a representative of our Olle trails. We learned how to take photos in front of green screens (that we made ourselves with green paper) and then put the pictures onto different backgrounds. We learned how to edit video and make iMovies. We used some information from a local newspaper and a lot of information from the internet. We were also able to write a lot about things from our experiences and use photographs we took ourselves on field trips.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
When we did the interviews with the Haenyo and the Olle trail representative, we were good ambassadors for our school. Now that we have made this website, we are good ambassadors for our island. When we communicated with Miss Jenny, we were ambassadors for our island and our country. Now our website can help Miss Jenny spread the word about cancer to students everywhere. We will share the word of our new website on Facebook and Twitter and with our families and the local newspaper. A documentary filmmaker, doing a film called 'I Love Jenny' will include our project in his film. He wants the world to see that Jenny has inspired people all over the world. We want the world to also see and understand our beautiful Jeju-do.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
People on Jeju-do are proud of our participation with this project. Now that we have made the site, people all around the world will think and know about Jeju-do. We also hope people will be interested in Miss Jenny and learn more about cancer so we can help save lives. Most of us are Koreans, so we are proud of our whole country. We are especially proud to be living on this special island and we want people to see how special it is.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Our school's business staff helped us by arranging field trips and Mr. Charley arranged for us to interview a Haenyo (a very special honor) and a representative of the Olle trail system. Our principal, Mr. Swanson, allowed some of us to miss classes to go do the interviews. Miss Jenny Rie Vanderlinden allowed us to ask her questions about cancer and she asked us about Jeju-do. Blake Babbitt encouraged us and allowed us to link to a preview of his documentary. Our dorm supervisor, Mr. Marshall, and our dorm specialist, Mr. Vince, encouraged us every Thursday evening. Our tech teacher, Mr. Parnell, taught us about iMovies and green shots. Our teacher, Mrs. Brill signed up us for this project, taught us about research, took us on field trips, introduced us to Miss Jenny, and bought us pizza and wrote us merits if we stayed after school to help finish the project.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We learned even more about our island. We learned a lot about working together and planning a big project. We met Miss Jenny (friend of Mrs. Brill) and learned that is possible to be very brave and still really enjoy life even when you're dying. We learned that some of the Haenyo women also grow broccoli (because she gave us some). We learned to research and make bibliographies and we learned a lot about taking pictures and film editing. We learned to check the sound on a camera before doing the interview!