1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The information tools that we use are: I. 12 personal and school computers, laptops and public desktops. II. Telephones and mobile as communication, plus communication tool such as skype for video conferences. III. Facebook as social media to promote the idea and coordinate the group. IV. Digital video cameras for oral interviews. V. We avail ourselves of the resources in the library. VI. Software programs such as Photo Impact and Dream Weaver, Flash and so on.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Domestically we use personal blogs as social media to communicate with people. To promote our project, we are engaged in a lot of peer reviews on the individual shares of each team members.
To employ the social media, we use it as means of social marketing. As a campaign, we not only promote it to average teenagers, but also to the humanity majors in the program of National Science Council.
When we joined the activities of the international organization, we promote it to Japan and Australia. Here we present the image of leadership of Taiwan--especially Dr. Huang on many occasions. We have sister schools in Japan, so we also talked about our project in the connection meeting.
As we promote it on career-related occasions through the Youth Knowledge Network (YKN) channels. We attempt to publicize our project and increase the exposure e-newspapers. In this way, we work as student grass-root ambassadors for our cyber fair project and our country.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
In Taiwan, it has a negative evaluation of the health care system for a long time. The interaction between physicians and patients are often limited to a short period of time the interrogation of three minutes. Require patients to physicians always authoritative manner with rarely listen to the patient's heart, feelings of patients actually suffering or inconvenience in the course of medical treatment, the patient is often not respected. In Taiwan because of the medical treatment of the painful experience, so many people are very exclusive to the big hospital to see the doctor, or even lack of medical ethics that hospitals and physicians, just to earn high profits. Our team chose the theme of Andrew T. Huang, MD, and he founded and belief Hospital, is the hope that the platform through the Cyberfair , Andrew T. Huang, MD, 'patient-centered' medical concept vigorously promoted to change Taiwan the health care system-to change the attitude of physicians to treat patients, so that patients can receive good medical care in the mood respected. Not only in Taiwan, but around the world, more and more people know the Cyberfair , and will use it often. Our website, Andrew T. Huang, MD, 'patient-centered' medical philosophy will spread far and wide, gradually changing Taiwan has criticized the health care system, and let the world understand Taiwan not only has a first-class medical technology, also has cordial and attentive medical quality.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Andrew. T. Huang is a well-known and busy doctor; therefore, it is not easy to keep in touch with him. We are given only one chance to see him face to face. Other information about Dr. Huang coming from the helpers as follows is really crucial. They are all gracious and even eager to exalt us to postgraduates. We have learned a lot from them.
LIN CHLEN HSIN, a student in National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, is our teacher’s son’s best friend. He is so kind that he volunteers to help us with the computer technique. We were taught how to establish a website once a week. He is not only a teacher but also a mentor because he selflessly shared everything he had learned from vocational high school with us. We appreciate him a lot.
Commonwealth Publishing Group is a big publishing corporation in Taiwan. It devoted itself to release some educational books. We guess that is the reason why every Dr. Huang’s book was published by this company. Luckily, we met Kuo, Yu-Chih, a rights associate in Commonwealth Publishing Group. She bountifully gave us the copyrights of Dr. Huang’s books which enrich our document as well as broaden our horizons.
In order to pretty up our website, we needed some pictures of Dr. Huang. Yu-Mei Hsieh, a special assistant in Sun Yat-sen Cancer Center (SYSCC), helped us break through the difficulties when we really lacked the photos.
Chun Hong Cheng is an Chief, Department of Press and Public Affairs in the hospital and also a friend of our teacher. After we called him and talked about our lack of information. He offered us more than we had ever imagined.
Thank you all. It is your help that encouraged us to improve ourselves. By this chance, we want to say out loud that we really appreciate your kindness a lot.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
Being only senior high school students, we are thankful and grateful to have such a hard-earned opportunity to get close to Dr. Andrew T. Huang and learn more about his accomplishments in reforming the medical regulations in Taiwan. Via this research, we step into the medical field and find out things that widen our eyes. Seeing how affably Dr. Huang take care of his patients and how carefully he is when having a morning meeting with all the other doctors in their hospital dwelling on an individual case, we jump out of the social stereotype of doctors being forbidding or condescending, because in Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center, doctors are never too tender to the patients. From our interview to Dr. Huang, we could feel the warming and touching atmosphere, which is far more different than other hospitals, given by Dr. Huang and his hospital. Besides the discovering, we also learn an important lesson from Dr. Huang-be humble but never be afraid if you’re doing what is right, be selfless and make the most of what you can do. We hope that after our research, we will gain more power and confidence to live out a more meaningful life, just as Dr. Huang, the modern Schweitzer, has been.