1. Description of Our Community
Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and the country's second largest city. It is located in Anatolia. Ankara is an important commercial and industrial city. It houses all foreign embassies. The city was famous for its long-haired Angora goat and its prized wool (mohair), a unique breed of cat (Angora cat), Angora rabbits and their prized wool (Angora wool), pears, honey, and the region's muscat grapes. Although situated in one of the driest places of Turkey and surrounded mostly by steppe vegetation except for the forested areas on the southern periphery, Ankara can be considered a green city in terms of green areas with Pinus forests. Our school is also in the center of Ankara. Our Project Province is located in the North part of the city. Kizilcahamam is famous for Pinus nigra forests.
2. Summary of Our Project
This Project will investigate if there are any manuplative ways to solve the invader species problems in Pinus nigra trees in Ankara, Kizilcahamam Province. Secondly it aims to inform school community about biodiversity as a global issue. We will develop ideas and design solutions to protect Pinus nigra species from invaders. For this purpose the team, • Organize a seminar for their schoolmates and made presentations • The teachers integrate invader species and their roles in danger of biodiversity in their lesson plans and curriculum. • Prepare posters and bulletin boards to inform others about the problems • Prepare discussion boards for biological challenge for this specific problem. • Interview their geography and biology teachers. • Offer the alternative ways of biological challenge to protect Pinus nigra from invader species and biodiversity • Offer alternative ways to sustainable development of our country
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Our main problems was timing. Teachers and students were very busy with lessons and exams. We often worked over weekends and after school times to do research. Second problem was to contribute something to the school as well as to the wider community. The team members put in a serious effort to contribute school society and community. Also making a teamwork was another problem for us. But with a great planning and organization we overcame all problems. Everyone did their own part properly. We are proud of what we had achieved.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Ideas for a better future and sustainable development !
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The team; Helped eachother and did a considerable work Learnt information technology with a great enthusiasm Became a social group actively participated Learnt a lot of new knowledge with a great interest Became aware of environmental issues and global issues Understood that ecological richness and biodiversity is the most important element for future and sustainable development of a country. Became concious about their environment