1. Description of Our Community
Tian Sheng Elementary School is located in Puyan Township of Changhua, famously known as the “vegetable hometown” and “home of sweet rice”. Guang Yuan Liang Co. is a beauty care company in Changhua County. The business owner offered their ingenuity to introduce the ordinary crop – luffa, with new features, to consumers through commercials, and got great feedback. The successful experience of reforming the traditional products of Guang Yuan Liang Co. is worthy for us, the residents of a great agricultural county, to learn. The spirit of the business owner “worship a tree for its fruits”, meaning “do not forget where the water you drink comes from,” is worthy of learning as well.
2. Summary of Our Project
We studied the business information of Guang Yuan Liang Co, regarding their business concept, history, R&D, and sales channels. After studying information, visiting their factory and interviewing the owner, we learned their business concept for the traditional beauty care product “luffa water”. We designed questionnaires to understand the honest opinions of consumers who purchase beauty care products. We analyzed the competition advantages of luffa water versus beauty care products of other brands. We also invited parents to participate in the charity event of luffa handmade soap sales, to deliver our love to the world.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Since this was the first time for students to proceed in PBL (Problem-Based Learning), the first difficulty we encountered was how to assertively teach students to get familiar with the skills and atmosphere of data collection and group discussion. Fortunately, under the instruction and demonstration of teachers, students gradually got ahold of the skills of Internet searching and data analysis. At the same time, with the brainstorming atmosphere supported and guided by instructors, the students found the answers for the problems, one after another. It was also difficult for a research team to teach student to design questionnaires. Because students lack investigative and research experiences, and we were limited by time, we tried to guide and teach students by showing them other questionnaire samples. Then we let them discuss to decide the infrastructure, style, and content of the questionnaires together.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
“One action is better than one thousand ideas”. The chairman, Mr. Chung-guang Smith, of Guang Yuan Liang Co. thought of the original idea, discovered the business opportunity, repacked the luffa water, researched and developed many more product, and pushed Taiwanese luffa to international markets. In this Cyberfair project, through topic launch, research planning, data collection, document organization, questionnaire statistics, website making, and so on, our little luffa warriors deeply realized that a dream without action is just an illusion. Let us use a famous sports advertising motto to express this, “Just do it.”
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Topic for life education-Teamwork,Collect and organize all information,Learn reflections Topic for environmental education-Making handmade luffa soap,Planting luffa Mixed activities field-Teamwork,Collect and organize all information Arts and humanity field-Making handmade luffa soap Social field-List out interview outline,Interview on-site,Design questionnaire,Distribute questionnaire,Organize questionnaire and do statistics,Review Nature and living technology field-Luffa’s little profile,Making the website,Making the presentation,Camera skills,Data collection and inquiry,Luffa planting and observation
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Phone: We used the city phones and cell phones to contact related people, including contact with Mr. Luffa. Digital Camera: Panasonic DMC-GF2, Sony DSC RX-100, Sony SLT-A57, Nikon COOLPIX S5100, Canon DIGITAL IXUS 65 Computer software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Dreamweaver CS3, SPSS12 Library: We used the school library to refer to luffa-related books and collect Internet information. Questionnaires: In Changhua areas, we randomly selected four schools. The targets were seventh to ninth graders in junior high schools. We handed out a questionnaire for them to write their answers, and analyzed data afterwards. On-site Interview: We contacted the company beforehand, researched and prepared the related data, and went to visit the luffa field. We learned the facts about growing luffa. We also participated in the classes of little reporters, and designed interview outlines. After complete preparation, we went to visit Mr. Luffa on the appointment date. Since we had prepared all the questions, the procedure went smoothly.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
In the research process, students who grew up in the countryside not only contacted local farmers to observe the growing and harvest situation of luffa on-site, but also learned the philosophies of optimism, simplicity, and respect from the farmers. In order to learn more about the thinking and operational idea behind luffa beauty care products from Mr. Shih, students became “little reporters” to interview Mr. Shih in Guang Yuan Liang Co. In the process, the students learned about producing luffa water, and also got great impressions on the philosophies Mr. Shih shared about “to be taught, to be annoyed, and to suffer. “A trip of discovery is not to find new land, but to search for new vision”. Now we have learned that by applying originality and ingenuity to an ordinary luffa, a series of luffa beauty care products can be developed. Actions produce results. We believe the students understood and were inspired, and will be able to keep a foothold in the hometown, walk out of Changhua, and allow the whole world walk in.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
“Keep a foothold in Puyian, take a broad view of Taiwan, and march through the entire world”. Just like us, the founder Mr. Chung-guang Shih of Guang Yuan Liang Co. is a Puyian kid. Mr. Shih got the new business inspiration from his wife’s dowry, the elderly beauty care product – luffa water. Luffa is an ordinary and countrified crop. Guang Yuang Liang uses luffa as the main force of the company, developed various luffa-based beauty care products with the full strength, and created a local brand of beauty care product. Guang Yuan Liang Co. achieved the number one position of beauty care brand by successful marketing strategies. They also advanced to international marketing through public praise. Our project will research the growing procedure, function and health effects of luffa, and introduce the “rags to riches” history of Mr. Shih on our website. Also, one more commendable point is that Mr. Shih did not forget the social responsibilities of a business after achieving his success. He funded the Love Garden Care Organization, to help disadvantaged groups, and supported the charity organization, “African Heart”, on a long-term basis. We wanted to respond to Mr. Shih’s love, so we donated the income from the luffa soap charity event, to the “African Heart” association. We hope they will pass our good intentions to the starving kids in faraway Africa. From Mr. Shih, we learned that tradition is not a burden, but on the contrary, it is a nutrient of innovation. Tradition could be the foundation for keeping a foothold in Taiwan, yet advancing to the rest of the world.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
First of all, we need to thank the township hall which provide us the detail information of the company and the willingness of taking the interview. the Guang Yuan Liang Co., gave great support of providing the direct introduction to the CEO and book the interview schedule. CEO is very kindly during the interview and provided many other information that we need to do research about.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
After joining “Luffa Warriors”, we discovered that the ordinary luffa in my grandpa’s farmland, which I have seen since I was a little kid, contains so much knowledge. Besides for our food, luffa can also be used for skin whitening, inflammation diminishing, skin care, and so forth. “Luffa water” is an elderly beauty care product. Chairman Mr. Shih of Guang Yuan Liang Co. achieves great success by utilizing luffa to develop various beauty care products. He carries forward the wisdom of our ancestors, and created a Taiwanese local brand “SK-II” for Guang Yuan Liang Co. He is a pride of Taiwan. In the entire research, the teachers led us to search for information on the Internet, organize data, do PowerPoints, and present onstage. Every trial is a new experience to us. It is tough, but we harvest it in full. In the interview with Mr. Shih, his kindness, friendliness, and sincere manner deeply impressed us. “Paying attention to be professional” is a good description of his great effort for many years, and is also a great lesson to all of us.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 7555)