1. Description of Our Community
Situated in the middle of Yu-ling County, Hu-Wei is the second important area of business, education and medicine. The construction of interchange in Hu-Wei and Number 78 highway solve the problem of inconvenience here. In order to make this remote town more accessible to the people without vehicles, Taiwan High Speed Rail chose Hu-Wei as one of the stops in July, 2012. Agriculture was the main economic activities in Hu-Wei. The recent establishment of new buildings set in Hu-Wei transformed its economic activities from agriculture to commerce.
2. Summary of Our Project
After Taiwan become the member of World Trade Organization in 2002, the recession of many local and traditional industries emerged due to the buffet from imported products. However, Shin-Long towel company twisted the crisis of being on the verge of bankruptcy with the innovative ways and askew the threats from foreign industries. It attracted international’s attention on its innovative products. Hence, we take Shin-Long Towel Tourist Plant as a successful example of transformation. Apart from the relevant analysis for the company and survey, we also had field survey and experienced the innovation and transformation of Shin-Long Towel Company, devouring its painstaking behind the development.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
A: Website Construction Department of Business Management cooperated with Department of Data Processing in this competition. Department of Business Management is responsible for interview and data collection, while Department of Data Processing is for website construction. We cooperated and helped each other by offering suggestions and assistance, handing in coded data to them. B.Jos Assignment We assigned jobs in accordance to everyone’s specialty. In this way, we can get jobs down efficiently and make it best to every detail. If one crew member need assistance, the member who finished his works will assist those who didn’t. Thus, all the jobs will finish perfectly as schedule. C.Pressure of Studies While doing the project, we still have daily courses and preparation for English Proficiency Test held by Commercial Vocation Education Society and Techficiency Quotient Certificate in Excel. Thus, while doing them both, we feel stressful on account of intensive preparation tests. Besides, in order to pass the TQC, our supervisors requested that we all students should stay to practice after school. Hence, we only have trifle of time to complete the project. D.Spending weekend to do the project At the beginning, our parents could not understand why we discuss the project in the weekend. After school, we still use computer to gather data through internet. Though, in the process of the project, they casted a doubt on us and understood us after the negotiation. Until now, parents would provide us assistance when we need it. We show our great gratitude to our parents!
5. Our Project Sound Bite
It is our honor to be part of the prestigious competition.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
We utilized the word 2010 and excel 2010 to finish the data and graph parts. Though we have learned the basic skills at school, we did brush up the skills and understood the software better through the project. Besides, we realized how important the communication is. At the beginning, we did not realize the benefit that Shing-Long company did to the industry of towel. The information from the internet is not that correct. In order to find the correct information, we did visit the company, which gave us more understanding of the history and the industry itself. While doing survey, we know that the artistic towel industry haven’t reached its Golden Age yet. We clearly noticed that it is the starting point of the transformation of the industry. It is the meaning of this project that we learn its perseverance. We combine the Marketing and Introduction to Business. We can apply SWOT, and marketing strategy. The knowledge in the textbook is fragment which we can’t apply it to practice. Though the case study of successful industry is mentioned in the textbook, it does not provide further analysis of its factors to success. With field visit, we connect the information in print with practice and find the information in the textbook may not reflect the real situation which can unleash the truth to the public. Yuda High School of Commerce and Home Economics is situated in Song-Shang area, nurturing the new generation of vocational high school students. Each department makes us combine our interest and specialty. With the advanced internet technology, it is more efficient to search data through internet than in library. Compared to search in Library, Internet archive offers wider variety of updated information. Thus, we know the differences between teaching through internet and traditional lecture.