Savory Scent Packaged with Delicacy, Quality, and Hospitality-HSIN TUNG YANG
Category: 3. Business and Community Organizations

School: Kang Chiao Bilingual Elementary School
New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China
8 students, ages 11~12 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 10, 2015.
They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2007,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014
Classes and Teachers: Wu,Xuan Feng
E-Mail contact:
Our School's Web Site:
1. Description of Our Community
Taiwan’s delicious foods are well-known by the world, but recently because some unscrupulous food company cause customers eat food that are not safe. Some food in Taiwan is now dangerous, but there are also some companies that persist to give the customers the safe food. We wish to introduce one of the conscience food companies that persist to give safe food to the customers in Taiwan. Every things has a positive and negative side, we wish you can know that Taiwan delicious food culture will never because of these bad food companies change.
2. Summary of Our Project
The topic of our research is Hsin-Tung-Yang. Hsin-Tung-Yang is a family company and founded by Mr. Mai Hsin-Fu. It persists in giving customers safe products to eat. We admire its sprit, and that has grabbed our attention. Hsin-Tung-Yang’s products are also Chinese’s favorite souvenir. Hsin-Tung-Yang has some special locations that include the airport, freeway service area, and oversea stores. We are curious at what kind of creative ideas ,technology and spirit made customers love its products and made the products delicious and safe.So, we decided to select” Hsin-Tung-Yang”as our topic.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Currently, the school has sufficient host servers. Every classroom has its own computer and internet access. There is an IT department in the school to provide teachers and students a convenient and multi-service network environment by websites, mails, and so on. In order to participate in this CyberFair competition, students use their extra-time, study hall time, or after school time to build up the website. Students upload the website pages to a FTP server of the school to enable students to modify the web pages at home and produce web pages more smoothly. The most special part is that students can use Wi-Fi in the “Electronical Learning Class”, so we can use IPads to help us brainstorm the ideas.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1) Lack of Information We found out that it is easy to look for the current information of Hsin Tung Yang. However, it was difficult to find information about the firm in the past. We tried our best to make use of the time during the interview, asking questions about the parts of information that were lacking. When we learn some useful details during the visit, we will take notes immediately and ask the interviewee for more details. Using the interview information as a source, we can finish our writing successfully. (2) The Visit and Interview Schedule We needed some time to travel between the locations of our visit because these places were not located in Taipei. It is more ideal to have a visit during the weekday because there are fewer consumers, but the interview also needed to be scheduled so that it did not affect our class time. For these reasons, it was hard to arrange the schedule and our visits on the same day because the schedule would be very packed. It came to be that the visit was delayed, yet we were able to successfully visit all of the locations we had in mind. Therefore, our research turned out very well. (3) Influence of Current Events Hsin Tung Yang is a well-known food company in Taiwan, so we have a lot of information from the news. For the purpose of making sure that information from our research is accurate, we have to compare the information from different sources. The content of our writing would be changed throughout the research process based on any new information broadcasted from the news. (4) Lack of Manpower and Time Due to the shortage of people, limited time, and the delay of the winter vacation, everyone was assigned a large amount of work. After we confirmed the topic, the teacher helped us set the schedule of our progress, and we followed the weekly progress to finish the writing. Then, we can have an adequate amount of time to do our work, and our research could be completed successfully.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
“Honesty, Trust, Initiative, Innovation” Hsin Tung Yang began its business with the principles of honesty, trust, initiative, and innovation. It was founded many years ago, yet it continues to devote itself to these ideas and is working to promote Chinese cuisine. The firm is always seeking ways to be innovative even with its traditional food products. This shows us that we need to live our life with a persistent, trustworthy attitude. When we are confronted with difficulties, we need to be active and take initiative – this is the only way we can overcome our difficulties and progress towards success.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
(1)Language Art: Visit and interview, project context writing, interview and reflection writing (2)Computer Science: Create mini game by using computer software (3)Social Studies: Brainstorm and design the project content and structure by mind map, design interview questions, visit and field study of local food manufacturer in Taiwan, respect and understand the differences of cultures. (4)Integrated Activities: Analyze the content of interview, evaluate the result of survey and online information, design and set up website of the project (5)School-based curriculum: Design research question and interview questions. Practice interview technique; evaluate the information that has gathered.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1.telephone:Set up interview with participants and dates, discuss with the matters that are related to the project. 2.Email:Exchange and share information and messages about Hsin Tung Yang with teammates. 3.Internet:Study the project of previous winners, search information about Hsin Tung Yang, and discuss and share ideas and information with teammate. 4.Computer and Pad:Discuss, share and group the information that is gathered by different apps, evaluate the result the survey, create mini game. 5.Printer:Print out interview guideline, online information or other related reference and notices. 6.Hardward drive,Online storage:Save and keep individual project written content and reflection. 7.Digital Cameras:Take pictures and record the visit and interview. Recorder Record the interview. 8.Software:PhotoImpact, Blumind, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office, Flash, Ftp, IE, etc
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
(1)Personal Interview: Understand the management principals and core values of Hsin Tung Yang by interviewing the Manager of the First Store, the Manager of Airport Operation Department, staff at Dayuan Factor, staff of Mai’s Hsin Tung Yang Foundation and Assistant General Manager. (2)Field Study: Understand the management principals and core values, stores management, the production process of products of Hsin Tung Yang by visiting the first store, factory, Taoyuan International Airport and the headquarter. (3)Experience: Understand the importance of food safety and the process of manufacture by making and packing the pineapple cake and using the database of traceability system. (4)Set Up Website:Creating the website for the project makes other to know more about Hsin Tung Yang.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We learned that to persist with the same values and principles is very difficult because we might face many obstacles. Just as Hsin Tung Yang has insisted its perfection on its quality, but still face the challenge such as trademark lawsuit, tea, etc. We believe despite the challenges and obstacles that we might face, we still have to follow and insist on the values and principles that we have believed, this is the only way to overcome all the difficulties and head for success.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
(1)Assistant General Manager of Hsin Tung Yang Share the story, management principles and prospect of Hsin Tung Yang during the interview. (2)The Manger of Airport Operation Department of Hsin Tung Yang Share the story of operating the stores and shopping squares at the airport, management principles and prospect of Hsin Tung Yang during the interview. (3)Section Manager of North Region One Share the story of operating the stores, marketing principles, and personal working experience during the interview. Also, she arranged a tour of first store for us. (4)The Store Manager of Wuchung Branch Share the management principles and personal working experience, and introduce the Wuchung branch to us. (5)The Store Manager of Zhongxiao Branch Introduce the traceability system and KIOSK database for us. (6)The Store Manager of Hakka Restaurant at the Airport Share the story of the store, marketing principles, personal working experience at special distribution location during the interview. She also arranged the tour of airport for us. (7)Head of Secretary Office of Manager Help arranging project events, and introduce the function of OR code of traceability system (8)Secretary, Ms Wang Help arranging project events
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We have less member in our group of the project, in additional, and the winter break, these situations make each of us have to handle more work. We were very stressful due to the work and the time constraint. However, discussing with teammate, visiting Hsin Tung Yang, and interviewing the staff of Hsin Tung Yang, we slowly see the result of our hard work. There are more difficulties that we have to overcome, but surprisely we found that we learned and gained more during the process. For example: our typing skill has improved, learn how to construct our ideas into writing, how to design the interview questions in order to get the information we want, and so. We gain so much because we have tried and experienced each steps of the project. Furthermore, through interviews with the staff of Hsin Tung Yang, we finally know that making tese food products is not easy, they take great concern of food safety, with the help of advanced technology to make delicious and healthy food products. The parts of the discover have not only that us learn a lot of about food products, but also make us understand the management principles of Hsin Tung Yang. In addition how Hsin Tung Yang insist its principles on its business. We have learned that everything we do have to hold on our believes, face the problems; this is the way to head for success.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 7888)