1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Hardware equipment: computers, digital cameras, digital voice recorders, tape recorders, scanners, printers. (2) Computer Software: Wix.com for webpage editing, Photoshop for image-processing, Microsoft Word for text editing, Ulead GIF Animator 5 for animation software, Outlook Express for sending and receiving emails, google chorome for web browser, ACDSee for image browsing, CuteFtp for information transfer (3) Internet: Instant Messenger, e-mail, message boards, FTP Server, ADSL broadband Internet, network hard drive.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We called the interviewees to schedule appointments before visiting them in person. In the interviews, we’ve gained a lot of knowledge, which also included how to access the interviewees and record the interview content. Through the interviews, we learned about the environmental cares. We also acted as ambassadors to explain to them the effects and responsibility of environmental pollution, how the researched information would be posted on a website for promoting Segamat. Our monitor talk with the State Environment Exco,Mr.Ayub Rahmat getting the support from them. Mr.Ayub Rahmat is exciting to praise us that we have a good title. We should treasure this chance. Many students ask us for teaching.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
1) School’s local education sources: The goal of local education of our school is to combine with the surrounding geographical environment, so that students understand and feel close to the land where we live. In the school library, there are many books about the pollution for students. (2) Learning outside of the classroom: We found many differences between learning in the classroom and out of the classroom. Through the thematic studies, we learned how to collect information, how to communicate with others, and how to manage data. These skills and experience would certainly be our own and become our lifelong skills. (3) Working with professional guides: We interviewed a volunteer group of professional guides working for Segamat whose contribution made our research even richer. (4) The valuable research process: To complete the work by a team’s effort is our new experience. We never thought that we could complete such a large project, including research and website design. It is a very valuable learning experience.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Thanks to the school and the principal for the strong supporting and facilitating. Thanks to the Education Minister Dato Madzhir and Johor State Environment Exco Datuk Ayub for their strongly supporting. Thanks to Teacher Mr.Gopal for co-ordinating projects and helping us make plans. Thanks to the Ladang Segamat Estate Manager for actively cooperating with us.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
1) Findings: We realized the preciousness of this ancient paradise after we visited Segamat District. (2) Lessons: During the research process, we encountered hardship to cooperate each other. We learn to have mutual understanding and encourage each other; only through sincere communication and bearing responsibility could we complete the project. (3) Surprises: All guide of Segamat District held strong enthusiasm for the nature and humanities, and generously shared their knowledge with us. After their detail explanation, we were so touched as well as enlightened in a deeper sense.