1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
digital camera, Cell phone, Table/laptop, USB, Fiber optic networks and ADSL broadband network, Hard Drive, Window XP,Window 8, Microsoft Office Window 2007?2010, Adobe Dreamweaver, Photo Impact, Dropbox, Paint, Facebook and Line
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Via Wang’s granddaughter, we successfully got in touch with Wang. Given that Wang once got throat cancer, thus unable to articulate clearly, we are lucky to get aid from Wang’s son, architect Wang Wen Fan, who can “translate” Wang’s speech for us. During the interview with Wang, we also understand the true spirit of his masterpiece and the determination of the artist. We even had the chance to appreciate countless amazing works. As the ambassadors of The Internet Exhibition, we would like to get Taiwan and the world to know Wang by this web page we made.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
After the interview with Wang, we young generation come to realize that there are so many masterpieces around us, which were actually created by the same artist, Wang. The art genres Wang has “conquered” include fine art, sculpture, architecture, dress design, word design and many other things concerning beauty. All the members of our team have practically been feasted with the best art works in our country during the period.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
In order to get more detailed and exact material, we went to Wang’s residence two times to interview him. Given the fact that Wang once got Laryngeal (throat cancer), we need Wang’s son, architect Wang Wen Fan, to ‘translate” Wang’s speech for us. Moreover, the city hall also offered us some past record of Wang. However, it’s not abundant enough for us to learn the profile of the art master.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We find that the beauty of art is not to be restricted to a given frame. Wang used to earn his living by painting the movie billboard. Others all had their paintings on the given board; however, Wong did not. He added a small board on the top of the board to present the top of the sword or the beautiful face of the lead Character, which immediately caught people’s attention, therefore getting a big success and others’ imitation. To Wong, art is everywhere. He is a self-made person who learned everything he’s interested by trying, and to our surprise, most of his tries amounted to fantastic arts. Not only paintings and sculptures but his clothes and buildings are also designed by Wong himself. Nevertheless, Wong keeps reminding us that his masterpieces mostly come from his perspiration rather than his inspiration. He encourages us to keep focusing on our talents and interests and strive hard to cultivate them. And then, we high school students can also become masters in certain fields one day.