Breathing Roads – Jui-Wen Chen
Category: 1. Local Leaders

School: Kang Chiao Bilingual Elementary School
New Taipei City, , Taiwan
10 students, ages 11-12 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 16, 2016.
They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Classes and Teachers: Yang, Chin-Hua
E-Mail contact:
Our School's Web Site:
1. Description of Our Community
New Taipei City, which surrounds Taipei City and Keelung City, is located in the Taipei Basin. With convenient transportation, such as the Port of Taipei and the MRT, the city is a busy and densely populated area that is also known as the largest municipality in Taiwan. As there is no designated water reservoir within New Taipei city, water disaster and management problems from flooding caused by heavy rainfall of typhoons to restricted water usage during the dry season every year remain an important issue in the city. At the same time, the process of urbanization is inevitably accompanied by environmental problems like the heat island effect and air pollution. Therefore, it is critical for people in the city to be educated on flood and drought prevention as well as ways to protect our ecosystem.
2. Summary of Our Project
How did people in Taipei City respond to issues dealing with heavy rainfall, droughts, or the heat island effect? Mr. Jui-Wen Chen had an awesome idea; he invented the JW Eco-Technology, which provides an effective solution the aforementioned environmental problems. Through this project, we hope that we can gain an in-depth understanding of how Mr. Chen, who had a junior high school education, became an expert on green energy. Through reading about the topic, watching videos, going on field observations, conducting interviews, surveying, and many others means of research, we will learn about Mr. Chen and how he makes “breathing roads” using his JW Eco-Technology. We will also learn how his invention can prevent flood and drought, purify the air, and regulate temperature.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Currently, our school provides us with an adequate e-learning environment. Not only do we have two well-equipped computer labs available for our use, but each teacher is also provided with a desktop computer for his or her personal use. In addition, there is Wi-Fi throughout the entire school. Some of the sixth-grade participants of CyberFair this time are enrolled in our iPad classes at school in which the classroom instruction, homework, and projects are all done with the use of an iPad. In terms of our Internet accessibility, we can use the wireless Internet within our school campus with ease. We can access and store our work in the school-wide server. We can also use the Internet to conduct our research as well as share our work and finding with our teammates.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1.Getting permission Mr. Jui-Wen Chen is a busy and a successful man. We learned about him when we saw a video on YouTube from a news report channel, but how could we get his permission to do an in-depth study on his invention? It was the first problem we encountered. We chose a very direct approach; we contacted him through e-mails and phone calls. We presented our research proposal. Finally, we were given permission to visit and interview him. 2.Arranging the time to visit With limited time to visit Mr. Jui-Wen Chen, how can we gather all the information we need and still leave a good impression on Mr. Chen? This was the second problem we faced. Before the visit, we had read some research about the topic and listed some questions we wanted ask Mr. Chen. We practiced asking the questions in mock interviews. During the visit, we learned more about Mr. Chen and his invention of the JW Eco-Technology. 3.A Lack of Knowledge of the JW Eco-Technology When we first came in contact with the problem, many of us lack knowledge of the JW Eco-Technology. We visited Mr. Jui-Wen Chen and the Deputy Mayor of New Taipei City, Mr. Shen-Hsien Chen. We asked them questions about the JW Eco-Technology and efforts of New Taipei City concerning flood and drought prevention. 4.Teamwork CyberFair is a project-based competition that requires teamwork. When it comes to drafting the content of the project, sometimes one person’s information may accidentally overlap with another person’s part. With our teacher’s help and guidance, we were able to continuously refine our project framework so that all the work was divided among us. As a result, everyone had a better understanding of his or her own role and responsibility in this project.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Only with the modest attitude, creative thinking, and the persistence to overcome difficulties can we make the world more wonderful.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1.Language: visit, interview, write about the special topics, and write about our opinions 2.Math: use Excel to organize the answers of the survey, analyze data, and create graphics 3.Social studies: plan the research, create the project framework, design the interview questions and the survey, and organize the interview transcripts 4.Integrated activities:integrate the information and data from the interview, survey, online and printed research, and others to complete the project 5.Nature and life science: learn how climate change influences our environment and learn how important the JW permeable pavement is to the city’s ecological conservation efforts 6.Computer science: research, web design, game design 7.Independent study:learn the research skills, such as brainstorming, KWHL, survey design, interview skills, organizing data and information, SWOT, and many others
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Phone, e-mails: We invited the people we wanted visit and collect data from through phones and e-mails. The Internet: We used the Internet as a second reference to collect our information. In addition, we used the Internet to download and upload files for sharing of personal reflections or other data. Computer, iPads: We used computers and iPads to arrange pictures, articles, and data. Then, we compiled them into Web pages. DV, voice recording pen: We used DV recorders and voice recording pens to record videos from our visits and make transcripts of the conversations from our visits. We also made short clips to document the highlight of our visits. Digital cameras: We used digital cameras to record videos of our visit, interviews, and field observations. Printers: We used printers to print out research articles online, the data we collected, survey, etc. USBs: We used USBs to save the files which include our data and website details. Computer software: We used different types of computer software, such as PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, Dreamweaver, Word, Excel, Ftp, IE, etc.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
1. To learn more about Mr. Jui-Wen Chen and his invention of the JW Eco-Technology, we visited and interviewed several individuals: the Deputy Mayor of New Taipei City, Mr. Shen-Hsien Chen; the inventor of the JW Eco-Technology, Mr. Jui-Wen Chen; and the borough chief of the Xizhi Limen Community. We sincerely hope that our website can be informative, and it can attract more people to be interested in our topic. 2. We designed a game on our web page. Through this game, others can learn more about how the JW Eco-Technology works and how this technology can improve our environment in an interesting way. 3. Through surveys, we can help our classmates recognize and understand how the JW Eco-Technology prevents floods and droughts as well as reduce the greenhouse effect.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
1. Interview: We interviewed many individuals, which allowed us to learn more about the impact of climate change on our city and the marvelous effects of the JW Eco-Technology. 2. Field Observation: We went to Xizhi to observe a practical example of the JW Eco-Technology and its benefits. We could also see the Xizhi Limen Community’s effort in creating a greener and more sustainable environment. 3. Thinking creatively: Mr. Jui-Wen Chen always thinks outside of the box, and his creativity is an important element that contributed to his inventions. From this project, we learned that knowledge is not to be memorized, but to be put into practice. It is only when we begin to think differently that we start to think creatively. 4. Lifelong Learning: Mr. Jui-Wen Chen invented the JW-Eco Technology because he observed and studied the ongoing environmental problems that caused great inconvenience to people. He continued to pursue new knowledge to enhance his understanding of the world, which eventually led to his revolutionary invention.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
1. Mr. Jui-Wen Chen: Mr. Chen accepted our request for the interview and shared with us his life stories and experiences of success. 2. Deputy Mayer of the New Taipei City Mr. Shen-Hsien Chen: Mr. Shen-Hsien Chen helped us to learn more about extreme weather, water management and disaster prevention, and the advantage of permeable pavement. 3. Ms. Fu: Ms. Fu explained to us the principles behind the design of the breathable roads and benefits observed after the construction. 4. Mr. Lin: Mr. Lin gave us a tour of the Xizhi Limen Village green walkway and the breathable roads. 5. Chief Yang: Mr. Yang served as a guide during our field observation of the Water Resources Agency. It gave us the opportunity to understand the comparison between the four different types of permeable pavement. 6. Mrs. Huang: Mrs. Huang helped us arrange the time of the school bus to go to our field observation sites. 7. Parents: Many parents assisted us in recording videos and take pictures of the field observation.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
“For every blade of grass, there's a drop of dew.” Everyone has his or her strengths and shortcoming. Although Mr. Jui-Wen Chen’s was not at the top of his class, he found his strengths by working as a volunteer during the construction of a temple – he was stronger than others; he had more endurance than others, and he could work more skillfully with his hands than others. It was through this experience that he became more confident and eventually found a suitable career as a plasterer. When Mr.Chen was young, he held on to the thought that being at a disadvantage sometimes gives you an advantage. He welcomed and accepted challenges that others found troublesome. Soon, he not only became an expert in the construction industry, but he is also known for being a successful building contractor at a very young age. Among the many examples of his success, he is most famous for his invention of the JW Eco-Technology, which can reduce the effect of environmental problems such as drought, flood, greenhouse effect, and global warming. Mr. Chen firmly believes that the purpose of life is to “be a light in the world” by improving the environment. His unfilled wish is to contribute his proudest invention, the JW Eco-Technology, to Taiwan and make Taiwan a better place.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8071)