1. Description of Our Community
What stray dogs bring is the problem throughout Taiwan.However,since living in Kaohsiung, we treasure our hometown,we love everything here,inclusive of the stray dogs. As a result, the place we interviewed was Kaohsiung as a focus. On the other hand, we also have large numbers of resources here to investigate and to complete this project.
2. Summary of Our Project
After seeing the movie 'Twelve nights', we decided to make the public learn more information about stray dogs through our webs, including infectious disease, derivative problems, affection, policies and animal protection association,etc.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Skill: In the beginning, none of our team members was good at designing webpages. However, after learning, one of our team members can design webpages now. Questionnaire design: It is the first time that we try to design the questionnaire. What questions did we ask? How to let more people know our questionnaire and fill it? Finally, we put the questionnaire on Facebook to spread it. Information: Actually, there was so many information on the Internet. How to make our webpages unique is a challenge. Therefore, we decided not to present the information by the same way as that on the net but present it by our own way.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Who told us the information of CyberFair is our teacher teaching information system class. During the activity, we overcame a lot of difficulties and learned how to cooperate with each other. However, the most important thing we get is our friendship. We think it is our pleasure to participate in this competition because we got so much from it.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This competition fitted in our Elective Courses which is about programming computer codes. We learned how to use Photoimpact, Dreamweaver, and other software. We also learned how to communicate and cooperate with each other. We learned how to communicate with people and face problems together. To realize what we want to present to public, we searched a lot of information on the net and interviewed related associations. Our school has taken part in the competition since 2007, so we think it has became routine for our school. Student, we participate in this CyberFair this year, and we are trying to make hard on the webpage. Yes, if we just follow traditional education, we will not have opportunity to participate in this competition, and we will not plan and think a activity by ourselves.