1. Description of Our Community
Bo Dong elementary school is a school, less than one hundred students, and located in Taina city Kuanmiao district. Local people usually are farmers, and their main plants are bamboo and pineapple. In particular, pineapple is the most renowned, and most local famers are depending on it. Therefore, the transportation around Kuanmiao are developed raipdly to enhance the advantages of its tourism and exportation.
2. Summary of Our Project
Because of these experiences, students learnt the close relationships between life, humanities and local industries. We break the boundaries of school to enrich the learning material, and help them further understand local culture and industry through local events. We hope these experiences will benefit their abilities of independence, expression, creativities, imagination and cooperation. Most important of all, they can learn to care the campus and the environment of communities.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
We made good use of Cloud, such as Google Drive and dropbox, to access, upload and share our documents, videos and photos (taken by digital camera or smartphone). Using the software and website platform made us work more efficiently. Used information technology: (1) Desktop computer, Laptop, Pad: search information on the internet, data integration, project website processing (2) Printer, copy machine: copy or print data, worksheet, questionnaire, interview draft, etc. (3) Telephone: Contact with the interviewer. It’s also an important tool to connect between team members.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
The obstacles and the solutions : Obstacle 1 : The team members are from grade five and six. Thus, they do not have enough time to work together, and the only time they have is the lunch break. Through limited time, their ideas are splitied and lack of participation. Solution 1 : We devided the whole project into different missions, and they can cooperate to fufill it. Obstacle 2 : There are too many information to save and share in a small USB, and it is rather difficult to classifled the marterials. Solution 2 : Using google drive to upload the information, and put draft page on the internet. In this way, students can adjust the website easily. Obstacle 3 : The production of webpage is too difficult. Solution 3: Using simple sofwares and sample webpages to solve the inadequate ability of designing the webpages.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We are so happy to have this oppotunity to experience this amazing journey. In the begining, we could not imagine that we can complete the task. In this year, we have been through loads of ups and downs. There have been some serious frustrations because of team members’ personal issues, time pressure and skills training. However, these problems have been gradually overcome through teachers’ direction and coordination. Even though we are young, our hearts are big. Children are willing to do whatever they can to achieve the goal - promoting local industries, and their motivation is the love of hometown.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
While doing the tasks - writing the report, doing promotion and interviewing farms, we divided these into small tasks, and destributed them to different students, depending their interests and abilities. After finishing their parts, we put them back together into a complete work. The tasks could not be divided evenly. Therefore, the faster students would help the slower ones. Because of everyone’s dedication and cooperation, we fulfill the project on time.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We made good use of Cloud, such as Google Drive and dropbox, to access, upload and share our documents, videos and photos (taken by digital camera or smartphone). Using the software and website platform made us work more efficiently. Used information technology: (1) Desktop computer, Laptop, Pad: search information on the internet, data integration, project website processing (2) Printer, copy machine: copy or print data, worksheet, questionnaire, interview draft, etc. (3) Telephone: Contact with the interviewer. It’s also an important tool to connect between team members.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
The little helper From the disscussion of the project research, we found out that most students were willing to participate the event. Meanwhile, it inspired them to further explore local industries. and also promote their research motivation. The little salesman For promoting Kuanmiao pineapple, We not only visited many local stores, but also made loads of pineapple products to sell for charity. We obtained lots of fresh pineapple for free from our students’ parants, and used the fruits to make pineapple jams, which were rather popular in our communities. The little solider From this research, we hoping students can learn to make efforts to achieve the goals they decided. Besides that, they could take the responsibilities to promote and keep local industries. Most important of all, these little soliders knew to cherish vital qualities from the hometown during the process.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
The sudents’ dedication From countless interviews and huge data collection, students deeply realized that these ample resources are obtained by the farmers’ hardworking efforts.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
The effects of the school and the communities This project strongly connected the communities, farmers, stores and local people, and they all well surpported it. Because of that, students felt strong passions and helps from these people. The effects of people and society We hoping this project can be widely spread through the internet. In this way, the society can understand the beauty and the importance of local industries. Moreover, it could boost local marketing and keep local business.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
During the process, we bumped into many different obstacles. For solving these issues, we learnt how to communicate with each other and take the responsibilites to keep the project going. If there were not team members’ efforts, our webpage could not be done on time. Therefore, preparation and data collection were required before interviews. Otherwise, the progress would be stalled. From this project, we deeply understood our hometown’s characteristics and learnt the techniques to communicate, logical thinking, schedule planning and so on. The experiences we had are so enormous and priceless.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8130)