1. Description of Our Community
Pig of God Festival is regard as a celebration of Hakka culture and a belief in a religion. People who believe in this celebration will raise the holy pig to compete. People totally believe that the heavier they raise the holy pig, the more easily they will be a winner in the annual celebration, and it will bring a good luck in the future. Additionally, the raiser will put an orange or a pineapple into the holy pig’s mouth, which stands for auspice. After the celebration, pork from the holy pig will be shared to the believer to wish all of them can have perfect days from then on.
2. Summary of Our Project
Chinese New Year is an important festival in Taiwan. When the festival is coming to the end, which means the Pig of God Festival is coming. On every sixth day of the Chinese New Year, Zu Shih Temple, which is a temple in Sanxia, will hold a celebration to appreciate the God. This celebration is exactly a significant event to the locals in Sanxia. However, this is going to be a recollection. In recent years, because people put more emphasis on animal conservation than before activities, many people start to question the process of raising a holy pig. They think the holy pig will be treated cruelly during the raising process. Therefore, there are more and more animal protection groups opposing to the celebration. Hence, we are going to investigate the holy pigs in Sanxia and demonstrate the result on the website.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
P1: There were some difficult programming languages we weren’t familiar with. S1: We sought teachers’ assistance or surfed the internet to find the solutions. P2: Because of the complicated resources, when we transferred them into words we couldn’t arrange these resources completely. S2: Each member in our group had their own ability, we used our capability to help each other. We arranged the resources and turned them into words altogether. P3: We spent more time to translate Chinese words into English. S3: We sought English teachers to modify the grammar. P4: We didn’t have much time to have a meeting with all the members. S4: Though we didn’t have the meeting frequently, we used the communication such as LINE, Facebook to contact with each other to accomplish the work. P5: At first the website we made could only be used by Google Chrome, instead of IE. S5: We modified the content of programming language.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Through this project, we learned not only how to cooperate with our team members but enhance the relationship between the members and the teachers. What is more, we realized the contents more deeply and acquired knowledge we didn’t know at first. Although we spent plenty of time and effort, we thought it was worth to do this project!
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1.What new skills did you learn? a.Programming languages adapting At first, we had no idea about programming languages; however, after learning a little in class and from the Web, we gradually understood how to observe programming languages, and we can even do some basic techniques like adapting the website background, using some special effects, and putting on some pictures. b.Data arranging In the beginning, we’d got numerous data, but ended up finding that without systematic arranging, the miscellaneous data couldn’t have any beneficial effects. Through this activity, we’ve got more and more familiar with how to arrange huge amounts of data. c.Questionnaire designing and analyzing To deliver the meaning and the questions researchers want to understand clearly and get useful information with questionnaires, it’s crucial that the questions have to be appropriate and to the point. Besides, how to analyze these questionnaires is also very important. If we only have statistical data but no analysis, it cannot be called a “useful questionnaire.” 2.What group concepts did you practice? We separate our members into 3 groups, one is the Website Group, another is the Content Group, and the other is the Art Group. The Website Group’s work is to choose which template to use, adapt it, and things relating to Information Processing; the Content Group’s work is to write the script of our video, design our questionnaire, send, take back and compile the information, and things relating to writing; the Art Group’s work is to design the website layout, draw and take pictures to make up our video. 3.How do you better understand specific ideas? Because we need to discuss about different opinions about the Pig of God Festival from different people and groups in this project, we’ve learnt that those animal protection associations have seriously opposed this activity, while the temple authority and believers have been very willing to take part in it. 4.Has using the …
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1.How did these tools help you? (1)telephones?Communication between our members (2)TV and radio stations?To get information from them (3)video and digital still cameras To record the ceremony and our discussing (4)website designing App?To design the websites (5)libraries?To get information from books (6)books, newspapers?To get information from them (7)Questionnaires, interviewing?To gather different opinions from the teachers and students in our school; to interview people with direct. 2.Where did you locate each tool? Some of them are our personal tools (telephones, video and digital cameras), some are supplied by our school (libraries, books, newspapers), the other is provided by our teachers (website designing App.) 3.What were your most valuable/ most helpful tools? We thought that the most valuable and helpful tools were Questionnaires and interviewing because we got lots of first-hand information and the opinions from those people most closely involved through these ways.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
For the whole project, the topic we chose was related to their controversial culture in Sanxia. As a result, interacting with people was not only a necessary thing we had to do, but also played an important role during the project. As for the project we decided on the Pig of God Festival, we sincerely hoped that we could contact the people who have experience of raising the holy pigs. Fortunately, one of our member’s grandfather had. Through the Principal and the school volunteers’ assistance, we were so lucky to have a chance to interview the winner who won the special grade last year. We hoped we could reinforce our project’s completeness and profundity through the interview.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
(1)Can locals learn anything from your website? From our website, locals can understand more about the God-worship event, including its meaning, history, and things to improve from the introduction and the critical thinking we demonstrated on the website. (2)Can people from all over the world see different views about this place as well as this event? We would like to let the foreigners know more about some exactly information, preventing them from not having the stereotype but having the critical thinking. (3)Have your project ever helped who were in need? We would like to bring up the event to get more attention from the society so that more and more people can start thinking about the pros and cons about the issue. We believe that it helps not just in promoting the custom but also making a balance between animal ethical issues and keeping this tradition.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Before the interview, the cultural background we got was from the news, but we had a culture shock after interviewing the raisers. We were so lucky as to have the chance to get more information, such as the method of raising the holy pig, the history meaning, interesting stories during the process of raising. In the process of gathering the information, we gained the different perspectives from different people. With the progress of these background, we learned how to remain objective to view this controversial festival. It was no doubt that we gained the most by taking part in this project. On the sixth day of Chinese New Year, we participated in the festival. For us, it was a fresh experience to see with our eyes for those processes we had heard before. Also, we sensed the locals had a strong passion for this festival. Even if the weather was quite hot, the sincere believers were still attending this significant celebration to taint with unhealthy habits. In the end of the festival, we followed the crowd into the Zu Shih Temple to wish we could have a smooth day and win the competition with the deities’ blessing.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
After months of discussion, lectures and research, we’ve seen brilliant learning outcomes. None of us learned web design in the past; nonetheless, now we have a clearer understanding of web construction and programming after being involved in it and using it by ourselves. We’ve learned how to choose which programming language to use based on our needs, how to go from piles of raw data to summaries helping support our project and, of course, how to design and analyze a questionnaire efficiently with the technology at hand. What’s more, the project also offers us a wonderful opportunity to explore and research the culture of Sanxia in person, which provides us with a sense of community. Last but not least, being part of the project also helps us enhance our relationship. In order to complete the project, we’ve spent much of our time and we’ve tried to solve problems together. In spite of all the challenges and difficulties, we believe we’ve done a great job in introducing the distinctive culture to every web visitors.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8134)