1. Description of Our Community
“Dingfanpo” includes Dingfan and Toulun Villages of Lukang Half of faucet-related products in the world come from Taiwan, and eighty percents of them are made in “Dingfanpo.” It is a well deserved honor to call Dingfanpo “birthplace of faucets.” See more on Project-Overview Web Page, No.2 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-overview.html
2. Summary of Our Project
Faucet is a daily necessity and the quality standard of life. We discover that Dingfanpo is the birthplace of faucets. From the plumbing industry in the 30s, faucets and valves in the 40s, all the way to heyday in the 50s, hundreds of factories manufacture half of the faucets in the world. See more on Project-Overview Web Page, No.3 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-overview.html
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
The school has a 100MB fiber academic network. The wireless coverage is around ninety-five percent of the campus. 36 computers in the computer labs. See more on Project-Overview Web Page, No.5 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-overview.html
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Poor interview skill Set up website structure and outline Improve computer skill Difficulty of teamwork distribution Difficulty as rural ambassadors See more on Project-Overview Web Page, No.6 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-overview.html
5. Our Project Sound Bite
*Attention and Innovation *Pursuing innovation, but also remember the original spirit and value *See more on Project-Overview Web Page, No.7 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-overview.html
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our Cyberfair project address is http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/index.html We used a local field research method, and developed and cultivated a lot of skills, including Language, Social Sphere, Health and Sports, Integrative Activities, Arts and Humanities, Information Technology etc. See more on Project-Eelements Web Page NO.1 http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2016/gsh8136/project-elements.html