1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1. FreeMind: Drawing the model of the project and the mind map. 2. PhotoScape: Editing images and pictures of the Web page. 3. Scratch: Making break through the barrier games. 4. Google MyMaps App: Locating Burdock field. 5. Google MyMaps: Analyzing the distribution of Burdock field. 6. Inkscape: Designing the layout of Web page. 7. CyberLink 8: Editing and dubbing into the film. 8. Dreamweavers: Making the Web page. 9. ImageJ: Surveying the length of 26 days’ Burdock. 10.Digital camera and video recorder: Photographing and recording the pictures and films. 11.Smartphone: Photographing or recording the interviews. 12.Scanner: Digitizing old photographs and references. 13.Professional Internet database: Finding reference.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
1.We learned how to grow Burdock from Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsing and Mr. Hsu, Fu-Shan. And we also asked them questions and observed the growing of Burdock through their guiding.
2.We invited Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsing and Mr. Hsu, Fu-Shan to know the history and development of Burdock.
3.We interviewed Mrs. Wang, Shu-Hui of Delisen corporation to know their processed Burdock products.
4.We shared our reviews and thoughts of the project at Morning Meeting, Sports Meet and in computer class.
5.We made billboards to show our results to teachers and students of our school.
6.We posted our video on Peopo. (https://www.peopo.org/buddhaists)
7.We had feedback from Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsing and Mr. Hsu, Fu-Shan after finished the project.
8.We made Website “The Cradle of Taiwanese Burdock- From 6mm to 2 meters” to share our results to everyone.
9.Our video has been quoted by the Peopo. The film we made and posted on the Peopo Website- “Tested Harvest of the Burdock” has received the affirmation of the Taiwan Public Television Service, and has been quoted by the Peopo and broadcasted at February 19th, 2017. The film can be watched at Peopo: http://www.peopo.org/news/330373 or Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMpf20KC5oo
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
(1) We had “six first” after completing this project. First time to show the complete history of Pingtung Gueilai Burdock. (From Japanese Occupation period to 2000 A.D.) First time to illustrate the distributions of Burdock field. The first photo of the roots of 26 days’ Burdock. First report of introducing the special flavor of Gueilai’s Burdock. First video of introducing the origin and features of Gueilai’s Burdock by using local scenery. First time-lapse photography of recording the completely growing of Gueilai’s Burdock.
(2) Our school cooperated with 13th Agricultural and Marketing Classes to compile teaching materials of Burdock. During the summer vacation of 2016, we went to seek for Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsing's cooperation with this project. After knowing we were going to do a case study of Burdock, Mr.Chen planned to design and compile teaching materials, posters and videos of Pingtung Gueilai Burdock by cooperating with our school.Through the help of Mr.Chen, this project has truly provided communication and knowing between our school and the local community, and made every local resident to work together to enhance our local product.
(3) Our video has been quoted by the Peopo. The film we made and posted on the Peopo Website- “Tested Harvest of the Burdock” has received the affirmation of the Taiwan Public Television Service, and has been quoted by the Peopo and broadcasted at February nineteenth, 2017. The film can be watched at Peopo: http://www.peopo.org/peoponews or Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMpf20KC5oo
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
A.We really appreciate to Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsing (Carl Chen)!
This is the second year that we participate in the Cyberfair project. Although Carl Chen is always busy in his business, he is always willing to support our project. After we contacted with Carl Chen in last summer vacation, he proceeded to make a plan for making the results of our project into teaching materials and media of Gueilai Burdock's industry.
Can you imagine a man who has to manage dozens of Burdock fields, monthly shipment of Burdock products, and always planning the development of Gueilai Burdock never refuses our request for our project?
I met Carl Chen several times on the way between the factory and the office. He was always in the hurry for Gueilai Burdock.
In the process of our project, Carl Chen always guided children to carry out various activities personally and always answered children's questions in detail. He was always concentrated in answering children's questions that children always said Carl Chen was very serious about their questions. I think the Kingdom of Gueilai Burdock is built on this seious attitude toward everything! To Carl Chen, it is a belief to make pingtung Gueilai Burdock to become a world best brand of Burdock.
B.We also appreciated to Mr. Hsu, Fu-Shan!
During the project, Mr. Hsu always met the needs of the children in observing and recording, making children's investigations been carried out smoothly. And Mr. Hsu gave a lot of Burdocks to the children for observing and recording. In fact, this really touched my heart because every Burdock was like kid raising up by him.
What touched all of us most was that when we asked Mr. Hsu to make video of interviews several times, he never refused although he was not used to face at the camera. We really appreciated Mr. Hsu for helping us finish many records which were important historical and cultural assets of Gueilai Burdock.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
1.Through this project, we found many references and data proving that all those word-of-mouth stories of Burdock from our elders were true. And through the findings of this project, we got to know our community deeper and showed our respect to it.
2. Gueilai’s farmers learned the wisdom of growing Burdock through long time experience. Everyone was willing to help us and answer our questions, Without their helps, we couldn't complete this project.
At first, we thought that we couldn’t take the photo of the growing of the Burdock, because the harvest time of Burdock was between March and April. Luckily, Mr. Hsu, Fu-Shan let us harvested some 82 days’ Burdock ( Mr. Hsu usually harvested Burdock that was 105 days after sowing), and we were glad that every Burdock we harvested was healthy and good! And through this project, we learned and knew that we had to consider the particularity and specialty of the target, and also had to make a more complete and perfect long term plan. Although we didn’t make a detailed record of the growing of Burdock in this project, but we will continue to record it and then put it on Peopo.
Pingtung Gueilai Burdock has become a worldwide fine agricultural product due to its combination of Pingtung Gueilai’s soil and water, and they have dozens of Burdock products. And during the project, it was a surprised that there was a photo of Mr. Chen, Chien-Hsin’s elder brother on the reference we found!