1. Description of Our Community
As the fourth largest coffee producing country in the world, Indonesia has its own characteristic compared to other countries. Geographical and topographical diversities create various kinds of coffee plants all over Indonesia. The richness of coffee species makes Indonesia often dubbed as “Coffee Paradise” There are many kinds of Indonesian original coffee species that have become world commodity, such as Aceh Gayo, Toraja, Bali Kintamani, and Papua Wamena coffee. Besides, there is also a very well known type of coffee, called Luwak Coffee/Civet coffee, which is rich in flavour and good for health. Luwak Coffee is consumed not only by Indonesians but also by imported to foreign country. Some areas in Indonesia have their own way in cultivating and processing their coffee.
2. Summary of Our Project
Kopi Luwak is coffee that has been selected and eaten by animals called “Civet or the Mongoose” with the Latin name called “Paradoxorus hermaproditus” also known as “Badgers, Weasels and Rase” in some areas. Civet coffee choose fruit that has an optimum level of maturity based on taste, smell and eat it by peeling the outer skin with his mouth, then swallow the mucus as well as seeds.
The digestive system of the civet is very simple and fast, so that the dung was always behind grains intact. They eat the coffee fruit to digest the skin or flesh of coffee but do not digest the seeds and removed through exhaust of digestive system. Civet enzymes in the digestive system is able to reduce the acid levels in coffee beans, so the coffee beans become the best quality coffee beans. Indonesian Luwak Coffee or Civet Coffee is most preferred in Indonesia and the world. The uniqueness of How Luwak Coffee so famous and to be liked by many people around the world. It brings the curiosity in cultivating, processing the best Luwak Coffee in Indonesia.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
At school, we have Wifi connection. So every classroom can get internet connection easily using laptop. Our International internet access uses 1 Mbps, for Indonesia internet exchange access uses 10 Mbps.We have 27 computers in computer laboratory. And 42 teachers use laptop and net-book in the classrooms to connect the internet. School internet access and connection work fairly well.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Many problems and difficulties arose during doing the project. Some computers were broken and some data that we have saved in computer files were lost. The internet connection were very slow from the provider connection. Also It was not so easy to select one category of cyberfair competition. We have a lot of different opinion and discussion with our teams. After discussing with all team member then we decide to choose Luwak coffee as local speciality. t is not easy to put together all the differences of opinion among team members. The interview process of Luwak Coffee owner isn’t easy. As we need to schedule our interview to the Luwak Coffee owner. Transportation to go the Coffee places isn’t easy as we imagine. Time management problem for interview is really matter. As Our team members has learning activites in the class after the interest group time and extra lesson after school hours. Also it was not easy to ask permission to our parents to go for interviewing the coffee owner. Lastly all the problem we had overcome, after some permission letter given by our school to coffee owner and to our parents they were accepted and support us to do this project activity.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Though troublesome and obstacle, we are so happy that learned a lot of knowledge about coffee, history coffee and kinds of Indonesian coffee. It is so rare experience that we can see the coffee process from Luwak feces to be tasty coffee serve on table as healthy drink. We are proud to introduce Indonesian Luwak Coffee to the world.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This activities and research are collaborative learning related to our Interest group Journalistic, Web Design, Computer lesson. Our school uses a National curriculum integrates with an Entrepreneurship curriculum. In the Entrepreneurship curriculum, we learn how to promote Indonesian's local specialties by building the website and publish our project using internet. Because if we use internet there will be more people who see and read rather than if we write it in a book or poster which has limited access. This project provides comprehensive information about the world coffee archipelago which will affect the welfare of local coffee farmers. Through this cyberFair, it is hoped that the natural and cultural richness of Indonesia coffee can be more widely known.