1. Description of Our Community
Tong-De Elementary School is in the neighborhood of Taoyuan Arts Zone. There’re relatively more parents with higher social and educational class paying much attention to their children’s education. Many parents want their children to participate in multiple extracurricular activities which allow them to explore their own aptitudes and interests. Golf, basketball, Kendo, LEGO robots and other types of clubs are set up in school for the needs. Most clubs have been run with the user pay principle, unlike Dr. Hsu who offered free Kendo instruction and even took a group of students abroad with no fees charged. More than that, he encouraged disadvantaged students to study hard. With no financial support, his love in education did not stop though. Through our continuous investigation, we are aware that this spirit has benefited greatly many Kendo students of all classes. We hope more people know that there are still some people willing to devote their lives to helping others selflessly, with the views expressed in the project, enhancing the moral goodness of human nature and warm-heartedness in our society.
2. Summary of Our Project
There are many athletic competitions in Taiwan, including the National Baseball and the United States Basketball League, which have been widely broadcasted by the Sports Channel, so that most students are keen to participate in such activities. The Kendo that we know by intuition as a Japanese martial art is an unfamiliar sport for children. In Taoyuan, Dr. Hsu, being a doctor as his career, devoted his life to promoting Kendo activities. He even motivated students who were unwilling to learn to participate in Kendo, and led the children to take part in the competitions all over the country. In addition to allowing students to regain their confidence in learning, the most achievements that made him Dr. Kendo is undoubtedly the unprecedented, unbroken twenty-time Trophy in National Games of Taiwan, as well as 'World No. 3' dazzling success in the 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th World Cup Kendo Championships. Dr. Hsu dedicated his life to Kendo, but also in the rest of his life before death, still cared a lot about the younger generation of Swordsman, and donated his inheritance to help disadvantaged children continue their studies. The selfless spirit and services of Dr. Hsu, promoting the Kendo activities and fostering a love of learning in unmotivated students, are worth imitating and widely known by people.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
School network is academic network .Because members of team are students and teachers, it is mainly used for editing research data by computer and collecting related data by school network environment
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1.The ability for an interview study When the students as researchers, being used to interact and communicate by symbols and reduced words, interviewed the Kendo coach, Dr. Hsu's brother or Hsu' s students, they didn’t know how to ask, how to combine the questions with the purpose of the study, and furthermore how to make effective questions so as to get the precise answer we need. In order to allow students to construct a complete structure of the study, the use of mental map helped those little researchers systematically analyze the information on study purpose and questions. When the questions were made up, it must be done first to show the questions and explain the purpose of the interview to interviewees so as to avoid getting ineffective datas. 2.Data collection The interviewees who willingly received interviews were eager to provide supporting materials such as photo albums or newspapers. However, with so much information, we had to spend a lot of time and energy to find out the images or words related to Dr. Hsu and Kendo from the old materials. The complete results are finally built by digitization and data classification. 3.Information capabilities In addition to typing verbatim transcription of the interview or the record of experience in Office Word, the ability to use a variety of hardware and software is required, such as the use of voice recorder and digital camera which could record the interview process in detail, and posting the related data to the competition page. Learning how to use graphics software is needed,too, which helps edit photos making photos more clearly identified. Of course, it is very hard for students to learn a lot of software and skills in a short time. However, when the hard work can finally be perfectly presented in public, the sense of satisfaction is really difficult to express in words.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
There were often unexpected surprises found in the learning through inquiry. At first, our team had just decided “Kendo” as the research topic. However, in the information search process, we found a more fascinating topic--Dr. Heng-Hsiung, Hsu. In the process of visiting the Kendo practitioners and family members, we found that there were many unreported stories on the Internet or newspaper media. In the activities arranged by guilding teachers, there are a core set of personality traits found in Dr. Hsu: Patience, high emotional intelligence and doing things methodically like teaching Kendo. And one of mentionable performance he did is that he tried hard finding ways to raise money for students living in poverty to allow them attending competitions aboard. His love and patience is well known among Kendo community. Although we can not be like him as much as he did, we will learn to care for everyone around us, give them support and encouragement, hoping to become the next Dr. Hsu.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
a.Humanistic care During interviewing Dr. Hsu’s students and family members, we all learned that Dr. Hsu is actually an caring person for his students. Even though his profession is a physician, his care for disadvantaged students isn’t less than school teachers gave to. He expanded their horizons to the world by leading them to participate in overseas competitions, even more helping each student recognize their own strengths and talents. The spirit of selfless dedication that we admire lets us know that if you really want someone to be good, do not ask him to achieve the goal you set up for him. All he needs is your encouragement and emotional support with your good company. We believe that even at a young age we are enabled to spread the Power of Love to people around us. b.Ability to use Information technology With the clear guidance provided by teachers, we searched the Web, and presented the datas with mental maps. We built the project topic and developed the clear direction step by step through constantly filtering content. In addition, we proofread writing and corrected ungrammatical sentences with each other through the network platform when writing interview questions and data. Moreover, when we organized photos and created a web page, the computer and network equipment was very much required. With above-mentioned tools, our project was completed gradually.