1. Description of Our Community
Hong Kong is an international city and included many country culture in it especially Chinese and England. It becomes a finical center and the pace of living in Hong Kong also become fast. It make Hong Kong citizens to form a habit that walk on the escalator or stand aside on it for others to walk through. This is a good habit as it can help citizens to increase the working time and reduce the chance that stuck on a escalator.
2. Summary of Our Project
Our topic is culture of escalator in Hong Kong. Although escalator is very common, we found that there are some differences between Hong Kong and other countries. We interviewed some foreigners who are come from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, etc. In Hong Kong, citizens will walk or stand aside on the escalator. However, there is no such habit in Europe. The foreigners who come from Europe said they only stand on the escalator and did not think that they should make a way for others to pass as there is only a few seconds. Japan has a similar habit with Hong Kong but Japanese does not suggest people to walk on the escalator as it is so danger. We also find that a part of Japan called Osaka have a different habit which is stand at the left hand side. It is contrary to Hong Kong. In conclusion, we learnt lots of differences of culture in using escalator between Hong Kong and other countries. Also, we hope that all the people come to Hong Kong can know this rule and follow it.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Although we set the culture of escalator in Hong Kong is the topic for this project, we actually did not know how to explain or compare this habit with other countries. It is a part of our live, it is too normal for us. The video was taken from different places in Hong Kong, but it is difficult to show to the audience that what we want to show. We need to add the subtitles in the video. However, it is a little bit hard for us to use words to express this simple habit. Also, we need to think about that how can make the e=web page looks more interesting and attractive. How many pages should we made? What should be included? How long should the video be? There were many things we need to decide.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The participation in CyberFair can let others to know more about culture of escalator in Hong Kong and it is a good chance for us to earn experience of building a website.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our topic – culture of escalator in Hong Kong is one of the local species. We took some video and conduct an interview to prove the culture of escalator in Hong Kong during doing this project. Our teacher let us decide the webpage by ourselves and give some comment when we finished. Actually, we do not have much chance to create a website. We learn the HTML code or know how to create a simple website by Dreamweaver. We will try some of the code during lesson but we do not have the extra time to build a own website during private time. Create a whole website is different from create it partly. The difficulty is much higher, more things need to think such as where should we place the navigation bar, what color that used in the website can increase the readability, etc. To finish this project, four teammates have their own work. The final website combine our works. Recording and editing the video, create the template of the website, write the content of the website, etc. It is too difficult to create the whole website, prepare all the things by one student. Therefore, we divided the works into some pieces and have a team cooperation. We think using the Internet for teaching and learning been more effective than traditional methods as there are many multimedia. It is the charming point that traditional methods did not have. Students can access to internet to find any information if there are devices and network instead of they can only learn from the paper book.