1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We use internet to search the 'Tiao gu zhen' history, and some software to make it better looking. Interview the local community to get experience and digital cameras or pads to record the working results. You can see more details below : http://nas.jyi.ks.edu.tw/luohanmen/DapuTiaoguzhen/theme_3_7.html
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
The team members of the research are mainly from 6th grade students in our school. In the course of case studies, the students are protagonists, in order to expand the view of study, they must have the ability to collect and organize data from internet, and personally visit and investigate relevant information or person. So we contact the interviewees with telephone to express our interest and care to the topic, hope to make efforts for our hometown. When make sure of the date, time, place, and finally, with full of expectations and then we go happily to a personally visit to explore the group, Dapu 'Tiao gu zhen' in Neimen. We have received lots of enthusiastic response and information and making good relationship with the local community during the interview. Thus we hope we can make a good effort on this project.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Information technology is one of the fastest ways to receive the newest information and understand this world. As computer is usually thought as a relaxing tool than a learning tool for the students, we try to make them collecting information and doing the research through the internet. Furthermore, enlighten the students to do this project with their own, such as drafting questions during the meeting, recording the information they received, making a visit to the monuments, etc. This project makes improvements on not only the self managing skill to students, but also gives them a wider view on this world. We hope we can give our best report to everyone through the Cyberfair this year. we also introduce this 'Tiao gu zhen' to other school http://nas.jyi.ks.edu.tw/luohanmen/DapuTiaoguzhen/theme_3_4_2.html
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Visiting coaches from Dapu 'Tiao gu zhen', Chen Mei-Yun and Chen Ying-Xuei. They help us to understand more about the 'Tiao gu zhen', and most importantly, teach us how to dance. We found that the members of Dapu 'Tiao gu zhen' had the same commitment to religion, fitness and other factors to practice, and they also were responsible for the mission which strive to find interested friends and family to participate in. You may interested in our interview of the coaches http://nas.jyi.ks.edu.tw/luohanmen/DapuTiaoguzhen/theme_1_3.html
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
In the course of this study, we know that the population migration in Neimen area is serious, the Troupes(Dintou) are facing no people for inheritance, full props but no one took over, as well as dancing drums array. And taboo and etiquette should be put more emphasize on. Our coaches using spare time to practice drums as a movement of life attitude is worthy of our study module. Via this research we have found out that there is lots of knowledge we can learn outside the school and we understand the possibility of human beings is unlimited. See more in http://nas.jyi.ks.edu.tw/luohanmen/DapuTiaoguzhen/theme_3_7.html