1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The digital cameras helped us to record the visit. Pictures and video clips are the best story tellers. Smart phones were also efficient alternatives for cameras.The multi-function printer converted the results of our drawings into digital files to be placed on the website. The recording pen recorded the contents of the interview, so that we could make transcripts of our interviews. The flash drive was used to save the files and back up our data. The most helpful technology was the Internet. Most of the information we collected was from the Internet. Surfing the Internet helped us solve the difficulties of the web designing. It also allowed us to communicate in an asynchronous way. We made good use of the school soft system accounts, so we could use Google-classroom easily as a platform.We also utilized free modules on the Internet, which reduced the difficulty of designing our website. And it looked professional.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
The purpose of our project was to introduce and promote the beauty of Dingpu. Full of goodwill as us, whenever the funding support is needed, the members in the community were also willing to help us because of our efforts. To complete this project, we emailed, visited and interviewed many people in our community: the deputy station master of MRT Dingpu Station, Mr. Lin, Chia-Ming; the Director of Tucheng Family Library Branch, Ms. Chen, Ya-Chen; the deputy director of Yongfu Temple, Mr. Deng, Jin-Tsai; the chairperson of ATOP Time Arts Pavilion, Mr. Lin, Wen-Chuan and the manager of Nougat Creativity Museum. We carried out a fundraising event to print the bilingual leaflets of promoting Dingpu. Our principal led us to raise money from the community. At first, we were so nervous that only few words came out of our mouths like “Give me money.” Practice makes it perfect. Finally, the fund we raised was sufficient to print the leaflets for both the needs of the whole school and the tourists from Dingpu Station. This activity enhanced the connection between our school and community. Furthermore, the bilingual leaflets would provide useful information for visitors and attract more people to visit Dingpu.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We united the cohesion of our community by the leaflet. We listed local tourism spots in our tour map. Initially, the relationship between the shops of Gourmet Route like Xiang Hao Taiwanese Chicken Leg Bento, Hai Gang Goose, and The Industrial Zone Black Vinegar Noodles is competitive. After the information was put in the map, an aggregation effect occurred. The customers were not merely neighbors any longer; instead, they’re from everywhere by MRT. A place with a lot of delicious foods could attract more visitors, couldn’t it? The connection between the school and community is closer after the shops were listed in the tour map which would be the material of our local culture lessons. The owners of these shops felt honored to be part of it. We integrated the information about local culture, gourmet and attractions in our website where the visitors can get the tourism easily. These tourism resources have been changing constantly. For example, After Abbess Su charged the Shanxi Temple, a lot of change was made. There was even a shuttle bus to the MRT Dingpu Station, which was only known to a few people. The ATOP Time Arts Pavilion Museum provided a new watch course. There were real planes and tanks in the Ting Hsin Park. The Tucheng Family Library Branch was suitable for children among all the libraries of the New Taipei city. People were not familiar with these. We had visited these places and brought the latest information which could help local people and visitors understand Dingpu better.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We couldn’t finish this project without many helpers. With Mr. Lin, Chia-Ming’s clearly introduction, we knew the design and structure of MRT Dingpu Station better. Thanks to Ms. Chen, Ya-Chen from Tucheng Family Library Branch and the manager of Nougat Creativity Museum, we could not find such wonderful places for families to go without their support and help. We appreciated the donation from two generous gentlemen: Mr. Deng, Jin-Tsai of Yongfu Temple and Mr. Lin, Wen-Chuan of ATOP Time Arts Pavilion. Only with their help can our dream of printing bilingual leaflets come true. Also, we thanked Jane, an enthusiastic student’s parent, who kindly instructed us the video playing interface. We were thankful to Miss Xue who taught us how to design awesome pictures. Many thanks also went to Miss Chen who gave us a lot of useful suggestions. Thanks to English teachers’ instruction of English writing. Most importantly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Tu for his continuous support and encouragement. With these helpers’ support, more people could explore Dingpu and discover her beauty.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
This website expressed our deep feelings and understanding toward Dingpu. During the Cyberfair project, we made a good progress in drawing, writing, typing and Internet searching skills. We also acquired the abilities of mind mapping, interviewing, transcribing recorded interviews and fundraising. After doing these activities, we learned a lot and understood the importance of teamwork. Through this project, we realized the local features and scenic spots that we had not known before. The journey was about to the end and we were so proud of what we had achieved. The project was the fruit of our great endeavors. We hope that more visitors will come to Dingpu because of our project and appreciate her beauty in the future.