1. Description of Our Community
A captivating island in East Asia, Taiwan, finds its balance of tradition and modernity in the complex world of nature, technology, and humanity. Vibrant signs and the aroma of sizzling street food lead the way to the heartwarming community of locals. The majestic mountains reach up for the skies, laying hundreds and thousands of extending hiking trails. Touching cultures of food and markets were established along the ports, blending in with Japanese, Chinese, and Southeast Asian qualities. Skyscrapers in the capital rise from the horizon, reflecting the bright light of the blazing sun and a humid subtropical climate. Vibrant festivals weave Taiwan’s customs along with indigenous culture, history, and friendly and kind hospitality. Over the years, Taiwan has followed the global fashion trend and established its unique dressing style. With the arrival of fast fashion comes a great waste of clothing and raw materials. Our topic “Ecological Tales of the Wardrobe” discusses the context of sustainable fashion, statistics, as well as a popular zero-waste fashion brand in Taiwan: Story Wear.
2. Summary of Our Project
https://app.kcis.ntpc.edu.tw/Cyberfair/2024cyberfair/ETTW/narrative/Home.html (Link for the Summary of our project)
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
In the age of the internet and online resources, access to the internet allows the team to manage everything in an organized and simplified manner. Shared online resources allow teammates to work on the same document simultaneously thereby increasing the quality and quantity of our content. All members working on this project have both at home and school internet access. All 10 members including 2 teachers add up to more than 12 laptop devices as well as 12 mobile phones. The connection speed in our classroom is approximately 10.58 MBPS and the speed of downloading is 2 MBPS. Some purposes of using personal devices in the project include research, planning, organizing information, video editing, creating the website, communicating, as well as reflecting on the project. Most portions of the project are done in school. Since our school, Kang Chiao International School Xiugang Campus lies high up on mountain terrains, internet access may be inconsistent and unstable in rare circumstances.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Throughout the whole project, the team did not encounter any significant problems or issues that impacted us heavily, if this had to be said, the greatest challenge was keeping up with the schedule and progress. To begin, 10 is not a large number. It’s difficult for 10 students, under a busy curricular and homework schedule, to squeeze in time for this project. In Kang Chiao International School Xiugang Campus, the CyberFair club is where each of us works on our task and finally turns drafts into a final website. Our club time remains at 2 periods each week, which adds up to 90 minutes, or 1.5 hours. Although 1.5 hours may sound like a lot, it takes time for each of us to re-enter the situation and begin from where we left behind last week. As this process repeats over and over again, the team loses time to work on the project and thereby slows down our progress. Aside from this, since club time is only present on school days, the team would need to attend a winter training event during the winter break, allowing more progress to be made. Since a small portion of the team already scheduled plans for the winter break, not everyone attended the winter training, our progress was therefore even more delayed and deferred. This means that each member had to spend extra time at home or rush out the progress when we had time. Aside from this, a few teammates did not participate and put as much effort into the project as others, which meant extra work for the rest of the teammates. Even so, the group still managed to finish the project on time and with great quality. Not many troubles were met and the whole team enjoyed the experience and process in the production of the project.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
https://app.kcis.ntpc.edu.tw/Cyberfair/2024cyberfair/ETTW/narrative/Home.html (Link to our project sound bite)
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Projects the team had submitted to the International CyberFair Competition have always been different from what we were taught in school; every member was able to investigate topics that we had been interested in but never had the time and effort to dig deep into. In this case, the team investigated sustainable fashion. In addition to that, the entire website is written in English, for most of our teammates, this is not our native language, but under a bilingual-based curriculum, we were able to use sentence structures, paragraph structures, and analytical skills and techniques we learned in the past junior years to produce a visually appealing website with fluent text and language. This is not only a special opportunity for us, as international students, to improve our use of English essay writing skills, but also to apply collaboration, critical analysis, and leadership to our community and help spread awareness of urgent topics across the globe. As a team, we believe this CyberFair project has enabled us to manage time wisely, given that we only have two periods of class each week to complete the coursework. Group collaboration and work distribution became something we needed to put an emphasis and effort on. Throughout the months we worked on this single project, each of our members had distinct works to complete. Everyone approached each task with their style and most honored effort. Our ability and skill to research, paraphrase information, manage information, organize on-site visits, and reflect on ourselves made this project a relatively easy competition and coursework to do. To end, the team thanks Global School Net for hosting such a memorable competition and experience. It is our utmost pleasure to have participated in this competition as a global citizen and international competitor.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
In this project, a total of 10 laptops were mainly used by teammates for research, paragraph drafting, video editing, and website production purposes. Information and sources gathered were drafted and kept on Google Docs, a free online word processor, in which all changes were saved on Google Drive. Aside from documents, Google Drive also saved photos we took, photos we found online, as well as videos of the interview. The video was processed, edited, and captioned through Capcut, a video-editing software. To upload the interview videos online without restrictions and cost, videos were uploaded to YouTube, an online video-sharing platform accessible to all. With that said, the website is created through Nicepage Premium. The team created a survey and sent it to friends, family, students, and the public through Google Forms. Pictures and graphics were designed and formatted on Canva Pro. Nevertheless, the team used Google Slides to create a ppt presentation, showing the interviewee the work we do, this convinced her to accept our interview and on-site visit. Aside from the slides, members of our team communicated messages to the founder of Story Wear, Kuan Chen, through Gmail, Facebook, and Instagram. 11 pairs of earphones were utilized to keep everyone on the team focused and to make video editing a quiet and independent experience. 12 mobile phones with internet access were also employed to make communication an effective and efficient collaboration process. Mobile phones were also utilized to capture photos and videos seen on the website. The team created a Line group chat as well as a Google Space for backup. Aside from all this, all members relied mostly on the school’s wifi network. Every technology utilized and employed in the project made cooperation and collaboration a simple process, no significant challenges and issues were faced with the presence of technology and internet access support.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
As ambassadors, students from Kang Chiao International School Xiugang Campus explored a completely new and diverse domain, sustainable fashion, and exchanged profound information with experts in the study. For instance, Kuan Chen, our interviewee, is a master’s degree holder who studied sustainable fashion and has a family background in fashion and design. In the Internati?onal CyberFair Competition, members were also able to inform and express the beauty of Taiwan to people across the globe. As spokespersons, the team speaks and acts as representatives of the school and the CyberFair club. As elected representatives, every team member put their utmost effort into this project and the interview. During the interview, some students asked the interviewee questions, while others were listening quietly and taking notes, one held the camera, and the rest were taking pictures of their store and products. With such a cooperative team, we were able to be viewed as ambassadors and spokespersons throughout the whole project and do this project independently without the teacher and the supervisor’s overpowering assistance.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
https://app.kcis.ntpc.edu.tw/Cyberfair/2024cyberfair/ETTW/narrative/Elements.html (Link to our explantation of this project's impact on community)
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
As part of this project, the team met up with Story Wear, a fashionable and sustainable brand in Taiwan that repurposes old clothing into new outfits with stories and meaning. The involvement of Story Wear and its founder was highly pleasing. Not only did employees permit us to take videos and photos freely, but we were also provided with explicit detailed answers during the interview with Kuan Chen. The team was thereby capable of gathering pictures and documentaries used not only on the website but also to enhance our understanding. Story Wear’s notable involvement and engagement shocked us with insights we were never aware of in the past. The memorable exchange deepened the team’s understanding and knowledge of both the fashion industry and ongoing global trends. Once again, we would like to deeply thank Story Wear for a great opportunity, allowing the team to get in touch with a domain and area we’ve never had the chance to grasp.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8732)