1. Description of Our Team
Our reason for joining this competition is our resilient desire for parity across the seven continents of the world. We have witnessed discrimination against the ethnic tribes of our nation and we want to eliminate the continuous degradation of their identities.
Member No. 1: Christien A. Christien, as one of the graphic artists of the team, was tasked with making the logo of the website and also helped in the acquisition of the necessary information and multimedia from different resources. She is the most industrious in the group and gives her best in all that she does, therefore motivating the others to do the same. Member No. 2: Aaron B. Aaron has always been against racism and social inequality. He constantly reminds everyone to be unbiased and reasonable. He has participated in several outreach programs regarding the economically poor native tribes in the vicinity. He is the proprietor of the main concept of the website. Member No. 3: Marianne D. Marianne is the group’s walking and talking encyclopedia and dictionary. She has joined debates concerning the indigenous people and she also goes to outreach programs annually, making her the one with the most experience and information about this project’s topic matter. Member No. 4: Kristel M. Kristel’s way of thinking is hardly ever on par with anyone. She is the group’s deepest thinker, the one who connects all the social issues with morality and legality. She was in charge of some of the essays in the website and was also the one who constantly gave ideas whenever a team member was stuck on something. She is definitely one of the assets of the group.
2. Summary of Our Project
This project is about the utilization of the power of technology to create opportunities for indigenous people to be subjected to the social equity they deserve. Diplomacy is defined as the manner by which a nation or group of people maintains a healthy relationship with another group so they can aid each other in their growth and development through negotiations and pacts. There is often that infamous notion that because the indigenous people have not been westernized or are not as modern as those in the cities, they are at a lower social status and are therefore, beneath those who are civilized. With this scenario that is happening across the 7 continents of the world, how can full diplomacy be attained? As human persons, we have the freedom to make decisions and respect the rights of each other. If we continue with the degradation and disrespect of the identities of the ethnic tribes, then we will have abused that freedom. As Confucius once said, “Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts?” This project aims to eliminate that notion stated above so the society will be able to experience equilibrium and diplomacy can be acquired. All men are, in fact, created equal, and as hurtful as the truth can be, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Our school does not provide computers in each of the classroom however what we have stated above pertains to the computers that are found in our computer laboratory.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
a. Incorporating and Combining our Ideas – Our group members had varying opinions on the social issue we have chosen. There were a few occurrences wherein almost all of the members disagreed at each others’ ideas and insisted on their own. To solve this problem, we chose to be democratic and take votes when we are faced with it. Our coaches also helped us decide and guided us to integrate our ideas properly into the content for the website. b. Time Management – There were several times when our teammates could not make it to group meetings because of busy schedules. Nevertheless, with the use of the internet for communication, our group was able to submit and fix the necessary articles, graphics and research material on time. c. Skills of the Members – Each member had their own forte and Achilles’ heel. We used this project as a prospect for us to improve on our techniques. We have been studying about the creation of websites and its elements for 2 years already but that was not enough for us to make a high quality international website. We had self-studied for a while in accordance to the task assigned to us with help from tutorial videos and articles circulating the internet.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
In the creation of this project, we have gathered valuable information and experience regarding the topic on indigenous peoples. To start a change, what better way than to initiate it by ourselves? By comprehending the inequality that is shown to our ethnic brothers and sisters, we have sympathized and felt the necessity to be their representatives in voicing out that they are not so different from us and that they possess the same rights as we do. With this thought, we have begun to develop an understanding mindset and have become inclined to aiding people in their times of need.
6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
In our early days of meeting, we thought that this was only another school requirement to submit but with each passing day, we have come to realize the depth of the problems we are encountering in the society today. As seniors in our high school, we want to set an example for the other members of the school that being in one country doesn't mean you cannot help those outside. The world is such a wide-ranging place and thanks to the internet, we have the power to influence at an international scale.
This project is a way for us to allow the unaware open their eyes on the issue concerning discrimination against the native or indigenous people all around the world. We have made this website knowing that the vast generation of today is accustomed to using the internet. With this website, we can inform them about the current state of the world and how they can help in improving it. Our generation will then be able to enlighten the future generations about this dilemma so that when their time comes, the problem will have been solved.
This project has also helped us strengthen our bonds with one another, allowing us to be more cooperative and responsible students. We have also learned how to be better stewards of the world as our appreciation for the different races and cultures was taken to new heights. We are born in the earth with the natural obligation to protect it as it gives us a place to live our lives fruitfully.