Doors to Diplomacy Project ID: 7167

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: A Nano Cure to Huge Diseases
Category: 4. Science/Technology

School: Stone Hill Middle School
    Ashburn, Virginia, United States of America

2 students, ages 14 worked together to complete this Doors to Diplomacy project on February 22, 2012. They have participated in Doors to Diplomacy in the following year(s): 2012

Classes and Teachers: Lyndria Bland, Kaushik, Arya

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Team

Kaushik, 14, is a very intelligent, young man who has many interests. He is dedicated to everything he faces and doesn't stop for anything. He is very passionate towards many fields of both math and science, and hopes to one day achieve a doctorate in the field of Cardiology and use it to become an accomplished cardiac surgeon. His hobbies include playing basketball, participating in competitive programs, and swimming.

Arya, 14, is a very educated and fun-loving person. He is very talented and passionate about mathematics and developed leadership skills from his time as an elected school treasurer in Middle school. He has many hobbies such as programming. Through all his experiences, he discovered a love for neurology which is why he wants to grow up and have a career as a neurosurgeon. He believes nanotechnology is a viable cure to many neural diseases.

Vooha, 14, joined our team a little later but we are still elated to have her. The beauty of science has always enthralled Vooha Putalapattu, an 8th grader. She enjoys reading about new technologies like Nanotechnology, and Genetic Engineering, and doing medical projects like Hepatitis outreach, and Hematology case studies. Her ideal game plan is to get into TJHSST, then to graduate out of Harvard or John’s Hopkins, and then become a Hematologist that works with Genetics.

We have been all been great friends for a while and we share many interest such as nanotechnology, so when we heard of Doors to Diplomacy, we sprung on the opportunity. We decided to research nanotechnology because we all thought it was a fascinating topic. Nanotechnology is thought to potentially cure many diseases, which we want to start proving in this project and in our futures.

2. Summary of Our Project

Nanotechnology is a growing field of science which has great potential to cure many problems in today's world. Nano cells function on a molecular scale, which can help solve problems in places that current technology cannot hope to reach, but the great complexity of developing these cells has delayed progress in this field. However, when nanotechnology because a viable reality it can used to solve some of the greatest modern-day complications.

The HIV virus operates on a molecular scale, where it attacks and kills the bodies t-cells. T-cells are basically the lifeguard of our bodies, where their main function is to preemptively detect viruses, diseases, and infections before they proceed to contaminate the body.

Everyone has cancer cells inside them, but they are way too small for modern technology to detect or destroy. Right now, cancer cells have to multiply into the billions before our most advanced machines can detect them. This is a cause for concern; because by the time we detect the cancerous material, there will be no other option but to use chemotherapy or radiation treatment to destroy the cancerous parts. These methods often cause organ and cell burns, while also damaging healthy and critical tissue. Future generations may be able to overcome this inability by using nanotechnology.

Both these diseases are threating the lives of many people around the globe, but these diseases can be fought with the strengths of nanotechnology in the near future. The field may take many years to fully develop, but when it does become successful, these diseases do not stand a chance.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Over the course of our project, we had a few problems. First of all, all of us are very busy and we are students at different schools. We all have sports practices and competitions to attend, so we had trouble coming up with meeting times that we can all agree to. Also, we all had huge school projects that that were to be done at the same time as this project. Additionally, whenever we did meet, we didn't always have access to computers and internet connection. Also, since nanotechnology is an emerging field, we didn't have many resources or guidance. We had to make do with the resources on the internet.Other than that, we didn't have any other difficulties or obstacles that hindered us from progressing through this assignment.

Even though we had these obstacles, we overcame them through determination and organization. We planned around our busy schedules every week up to the deadline for completion. We solved our resource scarcity problems by spending countless hours shifting thought the internet for reliable sources and information. Our planning skills and determination ensured that we were able to successfully and adeptly complete this project.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

This amazing opportunity has allowed us to further explore the amazing world of nanotechnology. We also learned key life skills such as teamwork, compromise, and organization skills.

6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Our school standards influence us to learn new key life skills such as teamwork, debate, source citation, and more. If we weren't taught these basic skills at our school, then we would have struggled in completing this project. This project was a great opportunity to implement and improve these skills. It gave us a real life situation where we had to be self-motivated.

As a group, we learned how to cooperate and effectively work together. We successfully organized our meeting and planned ahead to meet. Our school requires that we learn specific skills to be ready for high school. This project was an ancillary to the school's goals.

We discovered that our educational system is setup for students of our maturity. It does not require concepts and skills that are for the more mature high school and college students. For example, our teachers give us reminders on projects and homework. However, high school teachers expect the students to turn it in themselves.

The internet definitely made this project much easier and helped us be more efficient. Without it, getting research would have been very tough and we wouldn't have been able to complete the website. Even though the topic at hand is fairly new, the internet provided some great information that could not be found anywhere else. Also, because we were allowed to create a website, we didn't need to compile all the information by hand, which would have been a tedious task.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?

The tools we used were: • Microsoft Word 2010 • 4 computers: 2 iPads, HP Pavilion dv6, HP EliteBook • Google Chrome • • Apple apps We personally own the 4 computers and have bought all the softwares listed above. The computers were essential for typing up our report and visiting the GlobalSchoolNet website to submit our work. Google Chrome, which we downloaded off the Google website, was our main research tool. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to type up all of our drafts before turning in our final copies. We used as our sitebuilder and site host. Additionally, a few key Apple apps such as iMovie and Notes were needed to make our video and take notes on-the-go.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person.

Kaushik, Vooha and Arya initially floated the idea to analyze how nanotechnology can help to cure diseases. They were very enthusiastic and curious to research the topic. Students used web, books and interviewed doctors and teachers to get their perspective about the idea too.

The research, interviews and debate gave them very strong fundamentals to express their ideas to their peers and the teachers. They acted as ambassadors to identify Nanotechnology as one of the solution to cure the diseases.

Students have used multiple collaboration methods, social media tools like facebook, twitter and forums and also conducted debate forums within student circles to raise awareness of this concept of using nanotechnology. It is wonderful to see good feedback from their friends and peers.

There is lot of political and philosophical viewpoints that divides the world, but as a human race all suffer from common diseases that cannot be cured today. The student’s principle is to use innovation and technology to unite the world by solving the common and fundamental problem to cure the incurable diseases. Students are also reaching to non-profit organizations to fund the project. I am very impressed with their dedication and enthusiasm to learn new concepts and their vision to solve the problems; I am sure these is a first step towards the final goal of unifying the human race by having decease free life and wish them success in their pursuit.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

When we were working diligently on this project at our local library, we were approached by a curious bypasser who was interested in what we were doing. He asked us what nanotechnology was, so we explained the topic to him, and also added on how this idea could become the solution to many of humanity's clinical problems.

He was very intrigued by our team's research because he was affected by our project. He explained that his father was currently afflicted by Alzheimer's disease. He told us that he thought that his father was doomed to pass away with this disease, but our information had given him a spark of hope. Thus he was very enthusiastic about our project and gave us his contact information so we could send him our link and future updates.

This incident showed us that our research could help inform the public and shine more light on this fascinating topic. If we keep the public informed about this field, nanotechnology could be a much more viable solution for humankind's problems because its research funding would increase. People would see the potential of this field and would donate to the cause.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Due to the fact that we were all exposed to projects like this in the past, we were largely independent in our work. However, we have had a lot of opportunities to speak to people who were more experienced in their respective fields, and we took advantage of their guidance to improve our projects, and push us in the right direction. Our project wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the people who let us interview them. Their actions told us that the community is actually interested in our research. The interviews also gave us profound insight on the information available to these people.

One of our amazing helpers was Cheryl Lambert. She is a nurse that works at a dementia and Alzheimer's center for the old. She allowed us the opportunity to interview her and a few of her patients. We were greatly affected by her generosity and willingness to provide information to anyone who asks. She told us about her thought about Alzheimer's and the effects of Alzheimer's on patients and their families. We realized that nanotechnology could very likely be the permanent cure to this disease from our interview with this wonderful lady.

Dr. John Wiger was our other interviewee. He gave us insightful information on the predicted effect of nanotechnology in the field of orthodontics. He provided us with pointers and opinions on nanotechnology in dentistry in the future. His opinions provided us with a sample of what the general populace would think. He told us that nanotechnology would most likely be ethically challenged, but would eventually gain acceptance and spread throughout the market. Finally, we would like to thank our parents. We appreciate your effort and help. This project and website would not have been possible without you – The NanoDiplomacy Team.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We were able to delve deeper into the world of nanotechnology when we had the opportunity to do this project. We also learned great scheduling and time management skills along the way. Most importantly, we learned how to work together as a team to get tasks done. This value was the most important because without this skill, it is hard for one to prosper in a job which they may have to interact with people.

Our biggest surprise was finding out that this project far more demanding than we expected. WE had to organize, cooperate, and research while we were developing our project. These challenges taught all of us key life skills that we will use in our futures. However, this project was unbelievably more enjoyable than we predicted it to be. We learned about each other and our topic along the way. All of us believe that this was one of our most prized accomplishment and was one of our most favorite activities.


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