Doors to Diplomacy Project ID: 7288

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Eco-Friendly Fighters
Category: 7. Health and the Environment

School: Saint Louis Laboratory High School
    Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines

4 students, ages 15-16 worked together to complete this Doors to Diplomacy project on March 15, 2012. They have participated in Doors to Diplomacy in the following year(s): 2011

Classes and Teachers: Vincent Tabor, Florida Martin, Szedrian, Alwin, Ronn, Jessry

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Team

Our project is all about Health and Environment Awareness which basically focus on health and environment problems. Most of these times we suffer on many diseases like Dengue. These viruses brought by insects by insects we mean mosquitoes are really lethal to our environment and it can be a epidemic when not treated properly. DENGUE has been grabbing headlines again in various local papers and in publications in Asia about the possibility of another outbreak in the Philippines. In 1998 there were more than 38,000 cases of Dengue. The death toll that year was larger than the dengue epidemic in Cuba in 1981, where 100,000 were infected and 158 died. It maybe the cause of our climate. They said that the EL Nino phenomenon triggered the epidemic on 1998. That is why we are trying to help and give these purposes of our project and our purpose is to give you better healthcare access, tips on how you can help stop this kind of disease from spreading all over the place and tips and to make our environment safer and promote cleanliness and neatness of our community and to the whole world. Our target is to lessen or better erase this kind of disease that keeps destroying our homes, community and lives. These purposes are not only for us but also to everyone. We hope that we have done something good for the whole world.

2. Summary of Our Project

We made this project for only one purpose is to share how we can contribute to better welfare of our society. Imagine how people can make small sacrifices make a better world. If we destroy our nature, we are destroying ourselves as well. In the very fabric of our nature which we are trying to save by maintaining a clean and green community, we are marking a new era for a new and better world. That is why DENGUE is a universal disease which can be a big problem to our health so our aim is to lessen or better eliminate this disease. We will provide updates, tips and details all around the world.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

The problems we had to overcome was teamwork, determination and specially time. At first we only did this for the sake of our grade but after shedding our blood, sweat and tears it kinda grew in us. It became a part of us and were proud to share it to you. Before, we only did our part but limiting ourselves just to what we can see. Now we have a better view about our project we can expand our knowledge not only to what we know but also to what we can make. Life is very complex, you need to be open to other information not only to yourself. Time, well its very hard to combine extra curriculum with academics because after our class some of us has a Wushu training and Band practice in the afternoon. Going home late, tired and feeling weak as we end our day. We don't have even time to eat for we have assignments to work on and reviews for our tomorrow's quiz. Well, we may have sacrifice many things but its still worth it. Its not only for us, our school or our country but for everyone to see what we have done.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

'We are never too young and too old to help make a better future for me and you so show the world what you can do!'

6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

It worked really well for us. We learned that not only by sharing we can expound our knowledge but also use it for something better. We also learned that small things can make a big difference. One move can change the world, one move to make everything right and one move to show the whole world what we can do. We learned a lot of things and one if these is the value of teamwork and responsibility and gain more information about whats going on around our environment.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Doors to Diplomacy project?

number and type of computers TV and radio stations video and digital still cameras video or other teleconferencing computer software libraries books, newspapers oral interviews

How did these tools help you? -These tools helped us a lot. It made our project easier and faster to complete. We also arrive at an accurate states where we can precisely state our conclusion. Where did you locate each tool? -We use the laptop of Alwin , the computer lab in our school and Ronn's computer. We always watch news on ABS-CBN TV PATROL. Most of the videos were found in the internet. Books and newspapers from our school library and Interviewed some people who had already encountered this disease. Were any tools donated by businesses or schools? -No. What were your most valuable tools? Why? -Mostly the internet. All of our knowledge about this topic were based on the internet. Which technologies were the most helpful? How? -Computers because we can make our project faster and easier.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Doors to Diplomacy project both on-line and in person.

We were able to act as ambassadors by developing a website that will inform people world wide about the dangers of dengue and other illnesses.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

We already have a small group or program here in our school but we need more members. We fight for the environment and for the Health of the people.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Through interviews and information gathering we were able to directly and indirectly involve our community.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We learned that a dirty environment can lead to a not-safe community. We also discovered that there are more to mosquitoes that just DENGUE so join us and know more about these fascinating insects.


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