Library of References, Readings and Resources
A collection of references, guides and resources to help you plan and
implement Networked Project-Based Learning activities.
- Web Design and HTML Tools and Guides
Resources to help you build an effective Web site.
- Guides to grammar and style, copyright, and MLA citation of references
- Web & Internet topics for beginners
- Creating your first home page
- HTML tutorials, references & style guides
- PBL and Web Project Resources
Resources to help you manage projects in your own classroom.
- Examples of selected model internet projects & activities
- Where to find networked projects
- Planning netPBL and Web projects
- Evaluating student projects and Web sites
- Readings on educational reform and PBL
- Free email hosting services
- Internet Research and Searching
- Research assistants
- Archives of primary source documents
- Topic-oriented search engines
- General and meta search engines
- Recent Studies in Educational
The current results, trends, issues.