Internet Research & Searching Tools
1. Research Assistants
Don't overlook our section on Internet
- Searching the Web
- http://numa.niti.org/ enc/

Created for teachers by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science
Education (ENC), this is an excellent guide to finding information on the Web. In addition
to basic and advanced search strategies, it also covers question analysis and includes
- Microsoft® Encarta® Research Organizer
- http://encarta.msn.com/

School reports and other research projects are a snap using Encarta Research Organizer!
Use Research Organizer to take notes and add pictures from Encarta articles, Web sites,
books, magazines, and other sources. Then use Research Organizer to assemble the notes
into an outline and create citations for your sources.
Archives of Primary Source Documents
This is a valuable collection of primary source documents and pictures
dealing with history, culture, art, literature, law, and government. Many of the documents
in these archives are in the public domain and are therefore royalty-free. Check each site
carefully for required permissions to use.
Of course, you should always properly
cite the source of documents, pictures, and information you use.
- Repositories of Primary Sources
- http://www.uidaho.edu/
special-collections/ Other.Repositories.html

- Ready, Net, Go! Internet Resources for Archives
- http://www.tulane.edu/~lmiller/ ArchivesResources.html

- Archives and Archivists
- http://www.muohio.edu/archiveslist/
- United Kingdom Public Record Office
- http://www.pro.gov.uk/

- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE)
- http://www.ed.gov/free/

- The Digital Classroom
- http://www.nara.gov/education/

Primary Sources, activities, and training for educators and students.
- The National Archives and Records Administration
- http:/www.nara.gov

- The Presidential Libraries
- http://www.nara.gov/nara/
president/ address.html

- National History Day
- http://www.thehistorynet.com/ NationalHistoryDay/

- National Endowment for the Humanities
- http://edsitement.neh.fed.us

- Library of Congress
- http://www.loc.gov

- The Gallery of the Open Frontier
- http://www.unl.edu/UP/gof/unp-aw.htm

Digital graphics and photographs of the American West.
- Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
- http://thomas.loc.gov

- American Studies Crossroads Project
- http://www.georgetown.edu/crossroads/

- The University of Oklahoma Law Center: A Chronology of US
Historical Documents
- http://www.law.ou.edu/ushist.html

- The Smithsonian Institution
- http://www.si.edu/newstart.htm

- The National Gallery of Art
- http://www.nga.gov

- The National Endowment for the Arts
- http://arts.endow.gov

- The Kennedy Center's Arts Edge
- http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/ artsedge.html

3. Topic-Oriented Research
Begin your search for information here. Because these are topic-oriented
directories, you may find quality information more quickly or reliably than generic search
The first section below lists standard
search engines; the next section lists education-oriented
search engines.
Searching Tips
Not all search engines locate the same resources. Use a few different
search engines to get better results.
Put words you want to appear together in quotes. For example search for
"networked projects" or "Internet Projects".
Use the word "And" between words or the "+" sign
directly before a word to indicate that both the words must appear in the Web sites found
by the search engine. For example, you may search for "networked projects" AND
history. or +Brazil +"field trip".
Define several terms you can use to search. For example, you may want to
search for "project registries", "virtual field trips",
"information exchanges", etc.
- Yahoo
- http://www.yahoo.com
- Yahooligans
- http://www.yahooligans.com

Yahoo for children
- LookSmart
- http://www.looksmart.com
- Snap
- http://www.looksmart.com
- Àpali
- http://www.apali.com/

Spanish Languages Directory
- Native Search
- http://nativesearch.com

Directory of Native American web resources
- Webhoo
- http://nordstrand.hypermart.net/

Web directory for web builders
- YoPet
- http://www.hisurf.com/yopet/

A directory of resources for your pet.
- Landmarks
for Schools
- http://www.landmark-project.com
- Homework Central
- http://www.homeworkcentral.com
- G.R.A.D.E.S.
- http://www.classroom.net/Grades/

Global Resources and Educational Link Archives from Classroom Connect
- Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
- http://discoveryschool.com/schrockguide/
- Planet K-12
- http://planetk-12.planetsearch.com/
- Blue Web'n
- http://www.kn.pacbell.com/ wired/ bluewebn/ categories.html

Subject Browse
4. Search Engines
Here are quick links to popular search engines to get you off to a fast
start. If you don't find it in a topical index, you'll probably find something here.
- Search Microsoft® Encarta® Concise Encyclopedia

- Articles contain code you need to link directly to the article from your Web project.
You must be online to use this.
- Alta Vista
- http://www.altavista.digital.

- Excite
- http://www.excite.com

- HotBot
- http://www.hotbot.com

- Infoseek
- http://www.infoseek.com

- Lycos
- http://www.lycos.com

Meta Search Engines (search engines that search
other search engines)
- MetaCrawler
- http://www.metacrawler.com

- DogPile
- http://www.dogpile.com

- Highway 61
- http://www.highway61.com
