2. Academia
If you are looking for an expert
in a particular area, such as the migration of Monarch butterflies, and you do not count
an entomologist among your friends, your detective work begins. A good first place to
start may be the academic community. Authority is an important advantage of finding people
in this way. They have been hired by their universities because they are experts. As an
example, we already know that Monarch butterflies travel through Mississippi, so we will
look for a university in Mississippi.
- First of all, we will go to Mississippi's
state government home page to find a listing of universities there. The URL for any state
government resources page is www.state.ms.us , where the ms
is the abbreviation for the state. For California, it would be www.state.ca.us.
- Here I find a link to Mississippi State
- From the Mississippi State University
home page I click Academics and find a link to the Department of Entomology.
Many university web pages use the term Academics to point toward their
individual colleges and departments.
- After I get the page for the Entomology
Department, I click on faculty where I found experts on insect morphology, insect
systematics, and insect population. Each of these faculty members has a personal home
- I click on one of the scientists and see
his picture, a list of his publications, and his e-mail address.
