1. Description of Our Community
Our community is the twin-island state of Trinidad and Tobago, located at the southernmost end of the Caribbean archipelago. Trinidad and Tobago as a Republic has gone through a rich cultural evolution from Amerindians tribal warfare and lifestyle, to re-discovery by the Spaniards, a British colony, slavery, Independence, to its present Republicanism. The cosmopolitan population of our community has resulted in a rich blend of cultures. People of various races and origins co-exist in a blend of cultural and social harmony. (In fact, at one of the wetlands there is one special building used by all of the main religious bodies as a place of worship and they co-operate quite well with their scheduling). From a plantation economy, Trinidad and Tobago is now an emerging upper Third World country with a petroleum- and a natural gas-based economy. Manufacturing and foreign investments sectors are also increasing. Being a tropical island, we are fortunate to be blessed with sea, sand, mountains, lush green flora, varieties of fauna, wetlands, warm climate and many other natural resources so loved by tourists
Our local community-
Our local community is made up of the School, Parents, Past students, past -teachers, friends of the school, the business community, resource personell from organisations. Curepe- Situated in the north, east of POS Gateway to all parts of country.Major roads pass through S.M.R, EMR, Priority MainRoad Near to the Univeristy, Teachers College and Airport. Former cane fields with railway crossings now built semi- urban housing area-many business places, educational instutions (preschool,primary,secondary,tertiary) modern buildings/resisential clustering and university neighbourhood centers.
2. Summary of Our Project
Summary or our Project
The leatherback is in danger of becoming extinct and steps must be taken to protect them. Our project seeks to inform and sensitive our community,local and globally to this sensitive issue. We began by research the topic from different sources.Armed with some knowledge we contacted local environmental groups to learn more of their efforts. Our project is broadly categories in the broad ares. (1)Research and learn (2)Highlight the plight of the leatherback to a wider community. (3)Highlight the efforts of Nature Seekers and SOS (Save our sea turtle). (4)Build models to highlight the topic. (5)Share the information with as many people as possible.The idea of sustainability in the environment and preservation of endangered species were clearly highlighted in this project. Students were able to reconise that their own negative habits and those of others can have a distraous consequence on the leatherback .The resourse persons who work out in the field visited the classroom to bring information and reinforce the importance of their work. The school will now become a centre of desemination of knowledge for preserving the leatherback turtles. The internet proved to be an effective teaching and learning method in this projec
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Problems we had to overcome
Our class activities are very demanding and packed. There is not much time left to engaged in the project as we would like. This was a major problem Documentation of information not readily advailable from local groups. We had to use foreign websites. Many parents expressed their support for the project, but most of them have jobs and so found it very difficult to allocate time to assist. Internet connection was frustratingly slow making upload slow.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Our environment is very senstive to our actions therfore we must preserve and protect it for our better future. We had fun while learning and are proud to transfer our knowledge and positive attitudes concerning the endangered leatherback turtles to the world.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This project aligns and refinforces the guidelines of the national curriculum in many areas.
Science - Classification of animals , the food web, sustainability, interpedence in the environments.Preservation of an endangered species.
Social Studies - Field trips to obtain land experience in metal fabrication shop, planning a trip at night to see the leatherback turtles nest.Inciting experts expertsand resourcepersons in the feild to addresss the topic and inform on their on preservation.
Art and Craft - Makind models and displaying infomation for the rest of the student population and community.Charts and maps were also drawn
Language Arts - Preparing scripts and writing notes,Skimming, scanning, making oral presentations, writing letters of invitations and Thank you.
Mathematics - Time, measurement, using skills to formulate designs for models.
Group Work - Co-operation, delegation of duties were concepts grasped. Students displayed enthusiasm and high level of interest in the projest.