1. Description of Our Community
The idea of creating the site about Turkmen Jewelry Art was the one we discussed many times. Your project encouraged us to start the work on the site. We stopped hesitating and told to ouselves, 'We'll be able to do it!' There are so many sources and material around. The time when we worked on the site was a special time: we hold discussions, took interviews, took a lot of pictures, talked to our teachers and experts. Everybody around tried to help us. We express our gratitude to our classmates and teachers who helped us with materials and advice. We feel proud for the Turkmen culture and our people who keep the best traditions in Jewelry Art, which leaves no one indifferent. All our classmates , their friends, relatives will get acquainted with our site. People all over the world will see the pictures of Turkmen Jewelry and read about them.
2. Summary of Our Project
Our site contains the information about such a phenomena in Turkmen culture as Turkmen Jewelry Art. We icluded the pictures of the pieces of jewelry and wrote about the art of creating them. We tried to use the best samples recognized all over the world. Some of them are exposed in the museums, others are worn by Turkmen women daily. Our aim was to show the world the things we admire and feel proud of.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:none
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
We created our site at the Internet Resource Center supported by IREX in Ashgabat. We don't have access to the IT at our school that's why we came to the center every day and used all the facilities there: scanning mashine, printer, computers with IT access.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We cannot say that we had a lot of problems. Everywhere we had support: our friends helped us with materials, IREX gave us access to the Internet, even helped with webdesighning skills. If we had had the Internet at home we wouldn't have lost so much time for going to the center, waiting for our turn to use computers, and spending so much time on developing of the electronic materials.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The work on the project has given us new knowledge and feeling of being a part of global community. We have become a useful part of the world community. People have received an opportunity to get familiar with Turkmen Jewelry Art.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our Cyberfair project content standards addressed to those who are interested in Turkmen culture, Jewelry Art. The issue of Turkmen Art is the part of school curriculum. Turkmenistan's independence is 16 years old. National revival is important for Turkmen people who live in a new born country, Neutral and Independent Turkmenistan. In the course of the project we gained new skills in web designing, practised our English and made new friends. We learned how to work together in one team, how to make people belive in your ideas and how to support each other. We have discussed many things and sometimes they were arguable. As a result we have created three webpages and picture gallery.Our project is a useful resource for not only our school students but also for all the students because we study Turkmen culture at school. We have discovered that our educational system allows students to give their contribution in the development of the materials for students by the students themselves. Creating the website is one of the up-to-date means of teaching and studying. We learned ouselves and others will learn from us. It's an effective way. We don't think that our site is the best way to study or teach, because the best way is to go to the country and see everything with their own eyes, or go to the museum and listen to an expert. We also hope that our site will give Turkmen students and teachers good materials about Turkmen Jewelry Art.We also hope that people who live far away from Turkmenistan will discover new world of beauty.