1. Description of Our Community
Singapore is a small island with limited land space .Many of which are already used for buildings, roads, industries, etc. That is why it is important for us to conserve our natural habitat for our future generations to enjoy. One example would be Chek Jawa, which was only discovered a few years back. Habitats like this provide an environment for us to learn about different biodiversities out of the classroom.
Chek Jawa consists of both tropical rainforest and mangrove forest and is a habitat to a wide range of plant and animal species. Chek Jawa boasts one of Singapore’s richest ecosystems. Thus it is important to conserve the ecosystem at Chek Jawa. Our main aim is to create awareness among people about this. Through our project, people will be able to know more about Chek Jawa and the importance to conserve its natural biodiversity.
2. Summary of Our Project
Our project is based on the wetland Chek Jawa in Palau Cubin, located at the south-eastern of Pulau Ubin, an island located at the north eastern of Singapore. It is unique as several ecosystems can be observed in one area —the beaches, coral areas, mangroves and coastal forest.
On visiting the place, we were amazed by rich biodiversity found at Chek Jawa. It consists of both tropical rainforest and mangrove forest and is a habitat to a wide range of plant and animal species. Chek Jawa boasts one of Singapore’s richest ecosystems. The new boardwalk running along the coast and into the mangrove area allows visitors to get up close to plant and marine life without damaging the area. It is important to conserve the ecosystem at Chek Jawa and our main aim is to create awareness among people about this. Through our project, people will be able to know more about Chek Jawa and the importance to conserve its natural biodiversity. They will also be aware of some methods to conserve the ecosystem in Chek Jawa through our website.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Our computer: both in school and at home, we use windows XP computers that run on Microsoft Windows. Our internet access: In school, all the computers are connected via Local Area Network (LAN), which is on a dedicated connection. At home, we use broadband internet connection.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
There were many difficulties that we encountered during the process of completing this CyberFair project but we tried to overcome all of the obstacles to complete this project.
Firstly, some members did not attend meeting as the busy lives outside the competition. We still need to do homework and revise for school work other than doing this. Some of the members are having two or more CCA so we can only conduct a few meetings.
Next, there were technical problems. School computer is very slow because we launch the same programme in the same time. There is also limited space in the computer. It would have been easier to do the project if we could tackle such problem.
We used Wikispaces to enable us to work at home. But some people could not upload the file as they had problem with their internet connection or they were too busy with schoolwork or their parents forbid them to use the computer. In the end, we had problems completing the work on time and meeting the deadline. We tried to overcome this by using our recess time to do this project. Finally, we finished this project on time.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The participation of the CyberFair project means a lot to us as it boost our skills and knowledge of environment that we do not learn in the classroom. This is beneficial to us as we can learn new things like using different programmes. The project also allowed us to know more natural environment and learn more about the importance of Chek Jawa. We also increased the awareness of the public on how important to keep Chek Jawa alive.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
It would affect our daily lives as it made it club more interesting with a project which everyone has to contribute. We also learnt how to work as a team by splitting the components to everyone to do individually. We also learnt to use many programs during the process such as macromedia, fireworks and others too. We also helped to eco club in spreading their knowledge and work to the public.