1. Description of Our Community
Chong De Village is located in the northern region of Xiu Lin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan Providence. The famous scenic spot of Chingshuei Cliff is within this region. The natural environment is wedged between the mountains and the ocean. Consequently, inhabitants relied on gathering and hunting (fishing and hunting) for sustenance. However, the geological formation of this region is principally gravel and lacking a river flowing through it. As a result, it is unsuitable for farming. Under such circumstances, the condition for Chong De to be self-sufficient is relatively weak.
2. Summary of Our Project
In the past, aboriginal cooking method was fourfold: raw, poached, roasted and salted. However in recent years, government has actively promoted local recreational tourism industry and consequently pushed tribal delicacies to entail changes including stir fry, deep fry, A la cart over rice and steam, etc., new creative methods. Dageeli Tribe Restaurant has inherited the good flavor of traditional tribal delicacies, developed many new creative flavors to satisfy the demands of changing times and enticed customers to an experience in the realm of most delicious and original-flavored gourmet dining. we are concerned with the culture and tradition of the environment within which we reside. Through physical first-hand visitations and interviews, investigations and discoveries and in overcoming difficulties entailed in this research project, we hope to initiate thoughts on future possibilities. Through Dageeli as an example of successfully building new tribal vision, we hope to shed light on what changes are in order in relationship to propagating the culture or in the livelihood of residents.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1)Assistance and help from the principal and the school administration to contact relevant departments and people .
(2)Funds for activities are self-produced by the school administration and the advising teachers, everyone chipped in.
(3)Through the help of parents of students, narrators and interviewees were contacted.
(4)The advising teachers were responsible for providing automobiles to take the children to and from individual interview site.
(5)Due to lack of time, except group time, use lunch rest recess and after school hours to conduct discussions.
(6)At the beginning when members joined the group, they only could get online and type. In collaboration with school IT curriculum, students’ use and handling of digital camcorder, digital camera and digital recorder pen for information transmission were enhanced.
(7)During the process of visiting and experiencing, pilotted the children in the use of camcorder and recorder pen to document the visiting process. At the time of organizing the information, had the teachers lead the students in categorizing and organizing.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We hope to combine the process of this research which allows children in their attempt to make small souvenirs or in considering how to spread culture with their finding affinity toward their own tribe. We also hope that children through this process will accept the responsibility of tribal heritage and continue the vision of propagating tribal culture.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
detail: http://www.truku.tw/2013globalcyberfair/narrative3.htm
Social Studies Connect lesson topics in the area of social studies regarding human vs. space and production vs. distribution to allow us, during the research process, to conduct hands-on investigations and to confirm what had been learned in the classroom while at the same time expanding the reach to related extracurricular instructional materials.
Arts and Humanities Through admiration of works of woodcarving and stone carving, developed an attitude of appreciation for arts. Also tried to use resources on-hand to make souvenirs having Taroko tribal characteristics.