CyberFair Project ID: 7879

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Every Drop is important..Let's Save it!!
Category: 7. Environmental Awareness

School: Beaconhouse School System - Discovery Centre
    Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

13 students, ages 12 - 13 yrs worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 15, 2015. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2009

Classes and Teachers: Wajiha Sheikh, Sadia Agha and Daphne Gomez

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site: http://

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

The project is about creating awareness of the decreased amount of water and the causes led to environmental hazards due to this decrease to mankind, animals and plants. Learners will research about different countries and their way of saving water and fulfilling the requirements of people.

2. Summary of Our Project

This project aims to the research carried out in Pakistan particularly about all the water problems being faced in Karachi and its adjacent areas. They conducted surveys within their own city and had skype sessions with other countries to compare the water related issues there and what measures need to be taken in our own country by the government and the people to overcome these problems. Its aim was to create awareness among people and aware the government people about what needs to be doe.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Although this project was a platform where we collaborated with many people and learning was taken beyond the classroom, in spite of that due to security reasons as planned prior we were supposed to take our class to visit a water plant where they could easily identify how the water treatment is done and ways of surpassing water to different areas that wasn't possible due to security reasons in the city. So we invited a specialist to the class where learners interviewed him personally and were able to get a great amount of know how about the process and were able to include the details in their reports.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

A platform to globally connect our students work and engage them in the community service to spread their voice/message.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Well the activities planned throughout this project helped covering our main learning objectives in different subjects as it was a cross-curricular project (English, Science, Geography and Mathematics). It was a perfect example of PBL approach which our school is working around and emphasizing the need as well. The concepts taught through this project was quite clear to learners and developed confidence in learners whereby, they were able to come up with their own suggestions and opinions. Learners learnt how to be vocal, collaborate and research with other community members and propose a detail report to the concerned people. It was way better than the traditional approach to learning and teaching where both the teachers and students enjoyed throughout and it was much easy to assess their learning.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

The various tools we used while completing this project were use of computers for compiling the reports, presentations, surveys were completed through Excel, the Interactive White Board was used to compare countries through VENN Diagrams, different online software to prepare presentations, stories, interviews / skype sessions held to conduct surveys and talks about their project, digital cameras and mobiles to record and capture pictures.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

This project had given a platform where our learners were not just restricted to their own school but were also engaged with other people in their own city and people from China and Libya whereby they exchanged salutations and emails, then also had a skype sessin , where they described their project and the learning outcomes that were expected through this project. They were quite excited about representatig their schools to other countries and were eager to participate in the interviews. The level of questions exchanged and data collected through these interviews were commendable. Keeping in mind all the data collected learners were able to propose a good and detailed report to put forward to the community members who were responsible to look to the water supply system in their city.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The project we have done will definitely and has also made a difference, the guest speaker who we had invited over was sent our proposal plan and he was really very thankful and at the same time excited about all the details given by the students for resolving the water issue in our community. Parents were very excited about the hard work put forward by their children and appreciated their efforts. This web page brought in many responses and feedback by people from other schools as well and was highly appreciated.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

There were a number of people who extended their help and support to our learners during their project. Firstly, the guest speaker who took out his time to come to our school for an interview and he also prepared a detailed presentation for the students to explain them the measures taken by the government to overcome the water issues and what still needs to be done. Secondly, our foreign partners who too extended their information to our students and were well prepared for the questions put forward by them.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

Yes, this project brought in a good partnership with the schools in China and Libya after they were impressed with the collaboration we had with them, it also gave our school a recognition.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 7879)

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