Loving Gau-Jia
Category: 8. Local Music and Art Forms

School: Shengang junior high school
ChangHua , Taiwan, Republic of China
10 students, ages 13~14 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 9, 2016.
They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2015,2014,2013,2012,2011,2010
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1. Description of Our Community
'Nanguan New Jin-Zhu Troupe', a Taiwan Gau-Jia company, was established in 1949. Most members of the company came from Shengang, Changhua. At that time the agricultural community, to make a living is not easy, so some parents sent their children to study traditional drama. Later, some of them became famous by many performs. And this also result in a wave of local drama learning. In 1980, with the prospering of industry and commerce, the age of televisions and films came; traditional opera gradually declined . In 2011, Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau invited New-Jin- Zhu Troupe to teach Gau-Jia. In 2012, the students of Shengang Junior High School began to participate in the learning of local drama.
2. Summary of Our Project
Taiwan Gau-Jia uses melodic Nan-Guan singing, delicate dancing, and the northern drums to enhance dramatic tension and effects and highlight the content of the story. The way “northern drums; southern singing” was once the rage in Taiwan. In 2011, Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau invited 'Nanguan New-Jin- Zhu Troupe'to Shengang Changhua to teach students Gau-Jia. In 2012, students began to take part in perform, such as “War Zhongshan”, “White Rabbit”, “Zhao Jun He Fan” and other operas. In 2015, we participated in the play “Qin Xiang Lian” From the performance, the interview of guide teachers, the document collection, the document sorting, and the activity of facial rendering, we sorted out “for beginners to understand the concept of a few Gau-Jia”, ' the similarities and differences of Gau-Jia between China and Taiwan”, “Taiwan Gau-Jia historical development” , “ Taiwan Gau-Jia artistic characteristics”, etc. Through Cyberfair, we hope to make more people understand the beautyof Gau-Jia together.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Problem 1.When visiting Miss Chan Jin Ji, she must guide students how to play Gau-Jia in three hours. During our interview , she had to guide the actions of students, so we interrupted the conversation. Solution: First we looked up information in advance, and prepared the questions we would ask. Every time when Miss Chan Ji came to our school or Shengang community to teach them Gau-Jia, we interviewed her and her brother and sister at the same time. Later, we found the teacher had LINE, so we asked the teachers to join our Gau-Jia Team. They are very patient, answer our questions quickly and carefully. Sometimes Miss Chan Ji was very busy and we would ask Mr. Chen Ting, Miss Chan Ji’s brother. All the teachers have LINE, so they soon joined our our group. As soon as we have problems, they will answer us soon. Problem 2.When we collected and oranged the data, we did not read orangedother people’s information. Soon we began to type, and that made us waste lots of time and increase the time required for subsequent production . Solution: 1. Use google to upload the information we collected and share with our teammates. After reading, we discussed, and further aggregated them. 2. Request our team to delete the repeated text, enhance the content with different colors , and draw their chart . After we confirm and then we will further deal with them. 3. Discuss nd assign the schedue on LINE, improve work efficiency on the LINE before each collection of information for the topic.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
In 2015, we participated in the play “Qin Xiang Lian” From the performance, the interview of guide teachers, the document collection, the document sorting, and the activity of facial rendering, we sorted out “for beginners to understand the concept of a few Gau-Jia”, ' the similarities and differences of Gau-Jia between China and Taiwan”, “Taiwan Gau-Jia historical development” , “ Taiwan Gau-Jia artistic characteristics”, etc. Through Cyberfair, we hope to make more people understand the beautyof Gau-Jia together.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1.Chinese art The content of this study plan is just about Qin Xiang Lian, a traditional famous Chinese opera. We learned the contents of the script, saw the ups and downs in the plot arrangement and read the text about Chinese opera of Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, we can more understand the development of Chinese opera and the relationship with the Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. In writing, we can learn the layout of the plot tension and this will help the creation of writing in the future. 2.The social sphere From the arrangements of stages and props, we can feel the differences between the traditional drama and the modern drama; we can also compare the differences between Western opera and traditional Chinese opera. From the development of spoken languages and plots , we can feel in ancient times what they thought or what the systems of social values. Further, we will have more deep understanding of the social structures. When we touched the hand-made clothes, hat , and props , we could even feel the value and essence of traditional art . 3.Comprehensive field During the study, we learn how to tolerate, and communicate with other students. Most importantly, we also realize the importance of team work. 4.Information field Sinece the information field merged into the nine-year course , and twelve-year basic education, IT Education has become increasingly important. Therefore, in this competition, we try to use the computer information that we have learned. We use the search engines to look up the information we need , and use the new software to combine the information we have obtained to draw pictures , create web pages, and more. 5.Arts and Humanities We see the essences of handmade traditional costumes, and also try to make some easy hat-dressing with wire by ourselves. At the same time, teachers teach us the basic concepts of graphic design and color science, and then we can properly present our works.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Hardware: Cellphone Useage:Contact , pictures, videos , LINE Hardware: Computere Useage:Search for information , write documents , create an image and web pages Hardware: Digital cameras Useage:Photographed , transfer pictures to the computer , Photography pictures Hardware: Printer Useage:Print Information Hardware: Scanner Useage:Scan old photos and picture
Software: LINE Group Useage:Contact group discussions Software: Facebook Community Useage:Upload information , photos, discussion Software: Google Drive Useage:Shared Cloud , upload data , pictures , videos Software: Word Useage:Playing text file Software: Dreamweaver Useage:Create web pages Software: Photoshop Useage:Image processing
We believe that the computer is the most valuable tool and the basis for all works. Without computers , we could not finish the competition.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Our thematic research projects are to make local people and students understand the features of Taiwan Gau-Jia Drama more deeply, and recognize the importance of cultural preservation. With the decline of traditional art, fewer and fewer people are willing to know the traditional art, so the traditional art are facing the crisis of disappearing. Therefore through the opportunity of Network Bo, we try to make those who don’t understand the traditional drama participate in, and promote it. What’s more they can understand Taiwan Gau-Jia is our pride. In the future, through the Internet , we will be able to share the photos and videos of the activities we participate in with more friends, and make them re-discover the local culture. Also, make them understand that we still have the soft power of Taiwan Gau-Jia Drama besides Fu'an Palace and th egarlic.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
'Nanguan New Jin-Zhu Troupe', a Taiwan Gau-Jia company, was established in 1949. Most members of the company came from Shengang, Changhua. At that time the agricultural community, to make a living is not easy, so some parents sent their children to study traditional drama. Later, some of them became famous by many performs. And this also result in a wave of local drama learning. In 1980, with the prospering of industry and commerce, the age of televisions and films came; traditional opera gradually declined . In 2011, Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau invited New-Jin- Zhu Troupe to teach Gau-Jia.In 2012, students began to take part in perform, such as “War Zhongshan”, “White Rabbit”, “Zhao Jun He Fan” and other operas. In 2015, we participated in the play “Qin Xiang Lian” From the performance, the interview of guide teachers, the document collection, the document sorting, and the activity of facial rendering, we sorted out “for beginners to understand the concept of a few Gau-Jia”, ' the similarities and differences of Gau-Jia between China and Taiwan”, “Taiwan Gau-Jia historical development” , “ Taiwan Gau-Jia artistic characteristics”, etc. Through Cyberfair, we hope to make more people understand the beautyof Gau-Jia together.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Participants Name:LI,KAI-YANG WU,JYUN-JIE YAO,JHIH-CING FANG,YU-YAN HUANG,JING-EN CHEN,YI-AN KE,YU-YANG CHEN,YI-SYUAN WANG,SIN-YU LIN,SIN-YU Contribution:Text composing Photograph Data collection Assignments Interview Time-Schedule Interviewer contact Interview outline Interview records Percentage: 60%
Participants Name:LIANG,SHIH-SIAN ZENG,GUAN-JING WANG,JIN-JYU Contribution: Photography guide Web production guidance Text layout guide Computer technical guidance Group sessions Percentage: 30%
Participants Name:CHEN,JIN-JI LIANG CHEN,JIN-JHU CHEN,TING-CYUAN HUANG,CHENG-CONG Contribution: Interview Provide information Percentage: 10%
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
As Shengang people, besides Fu-an Temple and conveniences stores, many people still don’t understand our local culture quite well or why Shengang implies such a rich cultural asset. Through participation in Gau-Jia drama performances, we found something surprising , and it may not be true by their spoken languages or written books. After careful verification, any events can become facts. In searching data processing, equipments need to be added carefully to avoid being used wrongly. In addition, we also learned that it’s not easy to integrate everyone's opinions , so we try to communicate with others other more often. We don’t deny what they think, and try to find out the best answers. And then we can make the best decision for our team.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8149)