1. Description of Our Community
Erlin Township is located in the southwestern part of Changhua County. The area is flat and most of the locals are farmers. Grapes, Chinese leeks, red Job’s tears, and buckwheat are some of the well-known agricultural products in this area. Wanhe Elementary School is located in Wanhe, a small village in Erlin. There are many traditional houses in our community. People lead a very simple lifestyle here. One problem we are facing is that the population here is decreasing dramatically. Young people tend to relocate for job opportunities. Most of our students live with their grandparents. Over the past few years, we have less than ten first graders entering our school every year. The number of our students has dropped to 46 this year.
2. Summary of Our Project
We are researching in the wine with the following method: (1) Researching: In order to realize what trait of grapes. We made our research from books and the Internet for collect the trait of grapes information. (2) Visiting: We visited several winery in Erlin, let us directly touch those vinery and recognize it. (3) Interviewing: We interviewed with characters so many times including Erlin Director-General of the peasant association Cai Shijie, Mr. Tan, Mr. Liao, and the director of the Taiwan wine cellar Mr. Liu. Students deeply got trait of grapes and the vinery process of brewing via those interview (4) Experiencing: We used grapes to make grapes toast and grapes juice. We learned that making is hard from the experience. Then, we had a presentation of our studies and we must explained the procedure to whole school personnel. (5) Promoting: we make good use of publishing evening time. We made up a team to actually go to visit characters and interview a series of our studies. Finally, the team had a presentation of grapes, and explained that the grapes process of brewing in front of the whole school personnel. Furthermore, we were did promotion of activities around school. .
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1. Less experience and motive for students Erin Township is in rural area. The town people are more likely to go to urban areas for more job choices. Since the economics of the town is poor, schools in the town receive less outside influence, knowledge, and motive. By having the snail study, our students can go to the other towns and learn new knowledge. 2. Study group and the interviews. The topic of the study is talking about wine. The study group plans to interviews on Mondays, but because of the typhoon that the harvest was worse than previous years. In addition, the weather factors resulted in the grapes production falls dramatically. Fortunately, the winery owner supported our plenty of grapes and place, so that we can no difficulty in getting the process of brewing. 3. Not enough resources of information for students at home Only two students in the school have computers and the Internet at home. There are also very limited resources for students in the rural town. Students have to work on the project at school during their own free time. 4. Not enough experience in interviewing The students of the study group do not have much experience in interviewing. They would not know how to say or what to ask during interviews. As a result, they researched a lot of information, and they practiced on the internet, on the phone, or by mails with each other in order to improve their interviewing skill.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
About vintage of Erlin, Golden Muscat was imported to try for cultivating locally by Mr. Chiu at the initial. Erlin is an advantaged location fitting for agricultural development, a grand scale of grape planting, including purchase by monopoly bureau guarantee, grape farmers abounded owing to growing grapes, in the flourished ascendant they once directly afforded real estate by cash. However, the government eventually permitted the import of tobacco and liquor afterward, no more purchase guarantee, numerous of grape farmers attempted to resist it, a big deal of resistance occurred, even bleeding conflicts, hence they didn’t have stable and constant income, parts of them commenced to give up the plantations then, chopping off grapevine to burn as firewood, accompanied with the age of glorious scenery.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
At Wan-He elementary school, they always take serious about character education of which those experiences from real life circumstances are needed, accordingly the purpose of most education activities this time is to nourish character of students, blending concept of character education into school-based curriculums, subjects of “Character Education, Life Education, Community Concerning” and so on furthermore, whose makes us obtaining farther supplementary resources and assistances on enlarging educations. Mistral-like sorted grapes, wine everlasting charm”, contents and development relevant activities researched by this project researching program, vintage is the principal, by half-structured interviewed with vintage brewing related figures, through these several times of discussions students can thoroughly understand the whole grape development history of Erlin, hope they aren’t only having intensive understanding about the grape culture of Erlin but also spreading the seeds of education, await one day it will be in consequence, fulfil the dream of self. And the education activities this time included language sector, comprehensive sector, information education, and artistic education, expect this researching project can reach core capacity and particular goals of grade 1-9 curriculums at these sectors as following below.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Duo to limit resources, students use basic computer equipment to finish this project and camera to take pictures. Students use Microsoft word software to type out the question and power point to interview. Students also use email to arrange meeting time and exchange information with other students and teachers. Writing and talking skills have been improved for study group because school designs a serious of training class beforehand. The most helpful skill will be writing skill because it really helps student to increase their writing speed.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
First, interaction between grape farmers and data collection, students can convey ideas to everyone in community by understanding managing principles of grape farmers, in addition to play in role of ambassadors of community merging. Second, groups in the process of researching interviewed with relatives around grape farmers moreover, among the meetings it’s able to grow the grape culture in the heart of students, and significance of Erlin grape culture can be more clarified after, wish they can become ambassadors of environmental education advertisement. Third, research groups in interactive visiting activities recorded the process every little bit, reflections and impressions, learning skills of thorough interview, understanding stories of Erlin grape farmers, becoming ambassadors of talking stories. Fourth, after research groups accomplished the topics, make the results of researches and consequences of activities clear to junior colleagues, letting them understand the spirits and background of this research project. Fifth, research groups in the process need to search information on the internet, design blessing cards by software, doing power point briefing system, network mail, word, network weibo system data settings.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
In the researching process, we participated in sorts of related activities, from whole agriculture introduced by director general Mr. Tsai of Erlin farmer’s association, research groups not only recognized agricultural products of Erlin, but also recognized the history of Erlin grape culture. Aboriginally found out that Erlin grape flourished from early prosperity to decline, ultimately supported by farmer’s association and transformed to wineries, within this research groups seem like passed through the historical tunnel, recognize this grape once again. Ensued with that the research groups coming to origination – Xidou village Erlin township, at here we visited the vinery, research groups knew that there were quite categories of grapes, and usually we eat distinct from those for making vintage, here we found out how to differ grapes from unfavourable ones, how to make vintage. Then we came to wine vault of Taiwan, research groups not only recognise categories of vintage, director but also let us recognise how to take a goblet, how to taste it correct, knowing sorts of vintage. In conclusion, we came to Dacun township central district agricultural research and extension station, research team turned out to know that how did those agricultural technologies come from, grapes after reformation not only became more favourable but also interesting, these are not available in books.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
By reason of this activities, not only participated the students, also advocated and supported by regional groups and organizations with great effort, letting regional grape making people gradually opened up the new visions. Containing this activity announced on the internet, more understanding and recognizing to Erlin grape culture, hope to exhibit this results and spirits of research to international. This topic of activity, not only students joining the races in the school, but also directors of each departments in the school, and teacher helped though, having group teams this time smooth going. Including parents from the community and regional people assisted for the group, letting the group team had no worries, and able to join the activity completely, whole community according to topics specifying learning, motivated whole Wan-He community, having closer relationships between each other, students can discover more as well.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 8278)