1. Description of Our Team
Our team consists of Mike (17 years old), Jamila (17 years old), George (16 years old) and David (16 years old). All of us live in Tbilisi and study in Tician Tabidze public school #43. We have chosen theme of violence and terrorism because we want to live in peace and each of us says NO to terrorism, violence, wars, etc. Our attitude to this theme is clear from the fact, that we have chosen it, as a subject of our project, and not such actual themes as Leadership, Science and Technology, History of foreign relations, etc. If International Safety and Security is not on a satisfying level, we will not be able to look after above mentioned themes. The solution to the problem must be found as soon as possible. As working on such a project is a lengthy process, we needed to divide responsibilities among the team members.We have chosen Mike as our team leader as he possesses such unique qualities as a real leader should have; Jamila as a bibliographer because she is very organized and reliable and the way she writes is also unique; George as he rapid and useful in finding information; David as an official artist because he is very creative, he’s an innovator and he’s really a good artist. Our coach is Elza Djibilyan, who is a lawyer and teaches us Law at school. Some time ago we asked her to take part in this project and become our coach. As we were already friends and classmates, it wasn’t difficult for us to gather but we needed a person who could lead us.
2. Summary of Our Project
The reason we’ve chosen this theme is simple. We want humanity live in peace, without wars, violence and discrimination. And the main thing – we want people forget the word “terrorism”. There have been a lot of conferences held on this theme not only in Georgia, but all over the world. Unfortunately, there is no country that is not connected with violence, terrorism, conflicts etc. A lot of organizations all over the world devote time, efforts and money to struggle against this terrible problem. We hope people will forget all hatred, hostility and all of them would become tolerant towards each other. We all are human beings and no one is protected from becoming victim of violence. When the world shuddered from horror, we were children but we clearly remember miens of grown-ups. One thing is to watch it from the distance and the other thing is to get involved in it, be part of it. Now when we had experienced horror of violence on ourselves, we have understood the real price of peace. War in Abkhazia still remains an incurable wound in our hearts but by the new conflict in Tskhinvali our hearts got a new wound. And we hope that someday our hearts will be cured.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We faced a lot of different problems we had to overcome. First of all, the company that invested us in taking part in Doors to Diplomacy was closed. So, we had to find a web space for our project. And the problem which was caused is that the speed of internet connection at school catastrophically decreased. We had to meet regularly at the place, where was internet access We decided to arrange meetings twice a week at Mike’s place. Each of us also was busy in different school activities. That’s why it was very difficult to find time to arrange our meetings, which would be suitable for each of us. As each of us is a “bright” person and has an explosive temperament, it was quite difficult to meet in one opinion; each of us had his own position. During last two weeks before the deadline we were working without any rest, days and nights. But we were so purposeful that none of these barriers could break our will to end our labor. We gained a great pleasure working together on this project.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The reason we chose this category is because of the recent situation in our country. When our parents used to talk to us about horror war brings, we couldn’t imagine the whole terrible situation. But now, after the days we passed we can easily remember the fear that captured us. And we don’t want innocent children in other countries feel the same.
6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This project helped us to know how a man can share his own opinion to the world society. The Internet is the richest resource that a man can imagine. After all we began to value it more. We have always been interested in creating a website and after a short course of programming we found out how it should be done. So this project made us get better acquainted with modern technologies. Also it taught us to work more concertedly in groups and take into account others’ mind. During the research we discovered a lot of interesting things and shared our knowledge with others. Of course a book is a man’s best friend but it is more difficult to find necessary information in library than in the Internet. By pressing one button you can find the information that is written in millions of books.