1. Description of Our Team
This project consist of project leader, Clement. He's is able to manage the group, and ensure the overall completion of the project, and that the submission timeline is adhered to.
Also, it consist of Nicholas, our designer. Highly proficient in art and design, he is able to improve our layout of the website, and also provide us some insights to the topic.
Qi Jing, a quick thinking members, who is able to think quickly on his feet, he is be to provide many valuable insights of the topic during discussion times.
Lastly, Pranav, a good researcher, was able to do research on whatever required and aided us in the content production.
2. Summary of Our Project
The ability to persuade others, through the form of arts and culture, is particularly relevant in our modern society given the fact that arts have become an influential part of our lives. People nowadays are exposed to the arts since a very young age but why does art actually exist? Art exist as a form of communication that is able to convey both simple and complex message and it is this factor in art that we are interested in and are focusing on.
Through this project we hope to be able to inform the public about the possibility of using arts in a more useful manner. Since arts can convey messages of all sorts, proper use of these messages can be used to encourage people to participate in a wide array of different activities etc, in the form of propaganda.
Why are we using art forms to persuade people? This is because art is able to better captivate the attention of people as compared to text. In our modern society, people tend to be rushing around places and they do not have the time to read lengthy texts. Thus, by using arts as a medium, we would be able to solve the problem of time and also that arts are apparently more “attention seeking” than words. Arts comes in many forms such as comics, videos, posters, advertisements, and true enough, many of these has been applied in our daily society and in this project, we are going to focus on some of these aspects of art and culture, basically the more common ones that are in turn, more relevant to our daily lives. But on top of just impacting our lives directly, we will also be understanding, how some of these can actually change and affect relationship between two entities (from the small scale of the relations between 2 different beings, to the larger world of interaction between 2 different countries)
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We had problems finding a good way to upload the content. After a while of searching, we finally found WIX, a suitable website developing tool. However, we had some difficulties getting used to the layout of the tool and how to use it properly.
Also, there was a lack of information available, and so we had to spend much more time reviewing through videos and thick books and reports, before being able to get what we require.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Doors to Diplomacy has been a great learning opportunity! We have broadened our perception of the world, and the things around us, via the indepth research that we had to do in the course of this project.
6. How did your activities and research for this Doors to Diplomacy Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
In Raffles Institution, we are required to do a research project every year, as part of Research Education curriculum. As such, this project is able to help us to fulfill this part of the curriculum.
Also, this project is able to help us understand that media and art is not always as accurate or reliable as it seems. We have to understand that there will be some biasness behind it, and we will have to regard every piece of art with a critical and analytical mind.