GSN HOME Home Base: Harnessing the Power of the WebIntro to NetPBL: Collaborative Project-Based LearningBuilding Collaborative Student Web ProjectsGuide to Conducting Research on the InternetLibrary of References, Readings and ResourcesTable of Contents
  Intro to PBL
1. What is PBL?
2. PBL Pedagogy
3. PBL Examples
4. Success Stories
5. PBL Resources

5. PBL Readings and Resources

Educational Technology Panel
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George Lucas Educational Foundation
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Judi Harris' Network-Based Educational Activity Collection
Judi Harris draws on research and extensive online experience to demonstrate how teachers can best become designers for Internet projects. She has designed 18 structures for successful telecomputing activities, including three structure genres with five to seven activity structures per genre.
Project Approach
Project Approach theory, planning, examples, and professional development focused on using  project-based learning in early childhood and elementary education.
Project Based Learning Resources
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Technology Support for PBL
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Virtual Architecture: Designing and Directing Curriculum-Based Telecomputing
Judi Harris presents examples of curriculum-based educational telecomputing projects and related resources.
The Web Project
The WEB Project is a non-profit organization devoted to innovative, project-based learning in the arts, humanities, and social sciences by people of all ages. Collaboration, community engagement, and technology form our most powerful tools
WWWEDU Discussion List
Pronounced "We Do" the WWWEDU listserv is one of the oldest gathering places for educators to exchange ideas about using the Web to support learning.
WWW 4 Teachers
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Recommended Reading

Virtual Architecture: Designing and Directing Curriculum-Based Telecomputing
By Judi Harris 1998 Virtual- Architecture/
This readable, practical book shows you how to begin building clear, strong, and simple activity structures that become your foundation for designing and implementing powerful curriculum-based telecomputing projects. You'll read this book from start to finish and be glad you did.
Raw Materials for the Mind:
Teaching & Learning in Information & Technology Rich Schools
by David Warlick 1998
A comprehensive and effective look at finding and using all kinds of Internet information in your classroom..
The Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web
by Marjan Glavac, 1998
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This book highlights some of the best educational Web sites. Chapter two provides a tour that walks readers through using The Global Schoolhouse™ Web site, including finding projects, joining mailing lists, and using the project registry. Chapter Four is devoted to "Internet Projects That Really Work". Glavac also shows educators how to search and find networked projects and other information on the Internet.
Net Learning: Why Teachers Use The Internet
by Ferdi Serim & Melissa Koch, 1996
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Net Learning shows how project-based learning benefits students and teachers. It highlights projects from all curricular areas, provides excerpts and curriculum ideas from experienced teachers, and offers step by step instructions for joining specific projects. Chapter 3 tutors readers in using email and mailing lists. This book helps you decide when and when not to use project-based learning to teach a particular objective.
Brave New Schools: Challenging Cultural Illiteracy
by Jim Cummins and Dennis Sayers, 1997
This book describes a world in which students, teachers and parents are globally connected and thereby able to communicate across geographical and cultural barriers. Has many enlightening case studies, as well as an insightful history of intercultural networking.
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