Global Schoolhouse Home Home Base: Harnessing the Power of the WebIntro to NetPBL: Collaborative Project-Based LearningBuilding Collaborative Student Web ProjectsGuide to Conducting Research on the InternetLibrary of References, Readings and ResourcesTable of Contents
Introduction to Searching the Internet
Information Resources
Human Resources
Digital Resources
Finding Digital Resources
Evaluating Internet Resources
Organizing Your Research
Topic-Oriented Research Directories
Search Engines
Primary Document Resources
1. Topic-Oriented Directories
2. Search Engines
3. Net-Smarts -- or becoming Netwise
4. S.E.A.R.C.H.

3. Net-Smarts -- or becoming Netwise

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You know my method.  It is founded upon the observation of trifles.

Sherlock Holmes
The Boscombe Valley Mystery

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Net-smarts is perhaps your most valuable tool in finding information on the Internet. It is not a web page, program, or index, but a growing awareness, on your part, of what is available on the Internet and how it works, and a growing sense of "where is the best first place to start?" As mentioned earlier, searching the Internet involves investigating an information environment, turning over stones, checking for fingerprints, examining strands of hair. It means having an idea of what your are looking for, and at the same time being open for the unexpected.

More than anything, being net-smart involves asking questions. Here are some questions that must be asked and considered when embarking on an information safari on the Internet.

  1. What do you want to find?
    Are you looking for articles, company web pages, software, conferences, discussion groups, or people? The answer to this question helps you decide on a search strategy.
  2. Why would someone publish this information on the Internet?
  3. Who would publish this information on the Internet?
  4. Who would host this information on the Internet?
  5. What would a web page with the Information I seek look like?
    Questions two through five would each help us in developing our search phrase.
  6. Are you wanting to broaden your knowledge of a general topic or do you want more narrow, specific information?
    Broad or general information is usually best found in topic-oriented directories. Information on more specific topics is best found with search engines.

Section : Finding Digital Resources
Page 1: Topic-Oriented Directories
Page 2: Search Engines
Page 3: Net-Smarts -- or becoming Netwise
Page 4: S.E.A.R.C.H.

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